Pilot Survey of C4D in Education via UNICEF & BRAC Country Programmes A Discussion of the Results 25 th May, 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Pilot Survey of C4D in Education via UNICEF & BRAC Country Programmes A Discussion of the Results 25 th May, 2015

15 Countries – 11 Respondents 1.Afghanistan (BRAC) 2.Bangladesh (UNICEF) 3.Malawi (UNICEF) 4.Montenegro (UNICEF) 5.Nigeria (UNICEF) 6.Pakistan (UNICEF) 7.Pakistan (BRAC) 8.Tajikistan (UNICEF) 9.Uganda (UNICEF) 10.Uganda (BRAC) 11.Vietnam (UNICEF)

Disclaimer Pilot survey Small Sample Not all questions may have been understood or filled out meticulously Data should be triangulated to check for accuracy Options provided are not exhaustive Each country and each community has its own context – so one should be cautious when seeking “trends” Just a glimpse; may be indicative

Survey Outline 1.Background information 2.Context and C4D Response 3.C4D Management

Context and C4D Response

Which categories of marginalization are considered most excluded?

Categories of Marginalization Girls Boys Disabilities Rural Urban Pastoralist Migrant/Refugee Ethnicity Religion Caste Others

Highly Excluded Categories Migrant/Refugees Girls Boys Disabilities Rural Remaining Categories Urban Pastoralist Ethnicity Religion Caste Others

Which educational issues below are considered significant in the context of these marginalized groups? Low Enrolment Late Enrolment Irregular Attendance Poor transition through grades Low School Completion Low Learning Outcomes

Pre-school Girls - Low enrolment Rural - Low enrolment Migrant/Refugees - Low enrolment, Late enrolment, Irregular attendance, Low school completion

Primary Disabilities - Low enrolment, Low school completion, low learning outcomes Migrant/Refugees – Low enrolment, Irregular attendance, Low School completion, low learning outcomes Girls – Low learning outcomes, irregular attendance Rural - Low enrolment

Secondary Disabilities - Low enrolment, Irregular Attendance, Low School Completion, Low Learning Outcomes Girls – Low enrolment, Poor transition through grades, Low School Completion Pastoralist – Low enrolment Boys – Low learning outcomes

Observations Not all pertinent Issues seemed to have sufficient C4D support. Which issues had the most C4D support?

Issues with most C4D support Preschool Boys - Low enrolment and Irregular attendance Rural - Low enrolment

What are the strongest barriers to inclusive and quality education?

Four Factor Levels Student-related Behavioral Factors Teacher/School Environment Related Behavioral Factors Parent/Community/Public Related Socio- Cultural Factors Institutional Level * Around 35 factors in total

Preschool Parent/Community/Public Related Socio- Cultural Factors Low parental/public awareness of policy and legislative provisions - - stronger c4d support Institutional Level Insufficient behavioral research to inform evidence-based education and communication strategies and relevant content

Primary Parent/Community/Public Related Socio-Cultural Factors 1.Lack of self/collective efficacy to feel empowered to demand inclusive or quality education - stronger c4d support 2.Social norms providing barriers to access or quality of education - stronger c4d support 3.Low parental/public awareness of policy and legislative provisions - stronger c4d support 4.Low social value for teachers 5. Lack of knowledge about specific educational opportunities - stronger c4d support 6.Lack of awareness of what constitutes educational quality 7.Low level of community/social cohesion, solidarity, trust affecting potential for collective action

Primary Institutional Level 1.Inadequate prioritization and budgetary provision for C4D as part of education sector policies, plans, strategies (national & sub-national) 2.Insufficient C4D competencies of Education personnel 3.Absence of focus on C4D in professional development strategies for educational personnel 4.Insufficient behavioral research to inform evidence-based education and communication strategies and relevant content 5.Insufficient representation of marginalized groups) to participate in and shape policies, planning, decisions etc

Primary Student-related Behavioral Factors Low self esteem and Low self efficacy (belief in capacity to take action) of students

Secondary Parent/Community/Public Related Socio-Cultural Factors 1.Social norms providing barriers to access or quality of education – stronger C4D support 2.Low parental/public awareness of policy and legislative provisions – stronger C4D support 3.Lack of knowledge about specific educational opportunities 4.Lack of self/collective efficacy to feel empowered to demand inclusive or quality education 5.Lack of awareness of what constitutes educational quality 6.Low social value for teachers

Most Common Barrier – across all levels Low parental/public awareness of policy and legislative provisions

Which C4D approach do most respondent countries emphasize on?

Advocacy for Political Action (eg. communication to decision makers to provide greater support to improve ACCESS; raising public awareness and debate on factors and supports required for education INCLUSION to increase public demand). Social mobilization for Civic Action (to mobilize public to support improved education access (eg. safety,/security; nutrition)). Behavior Change (eg. improve inter-personal skills of teachers; change parental attitudes on prioritizing work over school for their children). Social Change (eg. community dialogue to address harmful social norms keeping girls out of school; to transform social perceptions and expectations).

For Educational Access Pre-primary – Behavior Change Primary – Behavior Change Secondary – Advocacy for Political Action, Social Mobilization for Civic Action, Behavior Change

For Educational Quality Pre-primary – Behavior Change Primary - Behavior Change Secondary – Advocacy for Political Action

Which C4D approach is LEAST emphasized?

For Educational Access Social Change – Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary

Which C4D platforms do most respondent countries use to influence improved Educational Access and Quality?

Which C4D platforms do countries least use to improve Educational Access and Quality?

C4D Management

Within Country Program frameworks, education- related C4D interventions have been mostly incorporated in educational annual workplans and least incorporated in education funding proposals. Within Education Sector frameworks, education-related C4D interventions have not been incorporated to a high extent, as they are not a part of national education policy, national education sector development plans and national budgets in most countries.

Country offices which have a C4D in education related Communication Strategy has mostly emphasized on girls education, ECD and primary education.

The Future Most countries would like to: – design a comprehensive C4D in Education strategy – develop capacity development programmes in C4D.