Further aspects of transcendental service (item 54 to 64) 54. Hearing revealed scripture (RS) Chapter - 12 What is revealed scripture (RS)? How can we serve (RS)? Which RS is best? “Any book that enlightens on bonafide path of DS” Intelligence Writing & preserving Aräti, like deity Hearing, Studying SB (SB= ) 55. Residing in Mathurä Varäha Puräëa Brahmäëòa Puräëa “Other than Mathurä, if attracted, will be captivated by illusory energy” Simply by touching Mathurä can get results of travelling to all holy places
58. Observing Kärttika Festival Even more potent when celebrated in Mathurä Våndävana Superior to even worship of Kåñëa (Çiva in Padma Puräna ) Benefits Real devotee of Kåñëa (Adi Puräna) 56. Serving the devotes Liberated from material condition SB (3.7.19) Just by remembering gets purified what to speak of service? (SB ) Frees us from ulterior motive & false pride 57. Serving according to one’s financial position Special amongst all festivals Increased rounds, kértan, hearing etc., Specific worship of Dämodara form Results multiplied many items
59. Observing festivals celebrating Lord’s activities Birthday celebration (Bhaviñya Puräna) One becomes pleasing to Lord (5 most potent ways by which bhäva can be revived even in a neophyte) 60. Serving Deity (Adi Puräna) Awarded highest benefit Not given just liberation 61. Recitation of Çrémad- Bhägavatam Ripened fruit Importance of Paramparä Most ripe fruit in tree of Vedic wisdom Sweeter when touched by parrot beak Must carefully pass the fruit (SB) from tree-top (i.e. Paramparä)
62. Associating with Advanced devotees Like crystal stone (eg. by Hiraëyakaçipu) heart will reflect what we associate with. So if association with flower like devotees, hearts become clear Potent man (deliverer of SB) & woman is able (recipient is sincere bhakti is born) 63. Chanting the holy names But I am chanting for so long. Why I don’t feel highest goal achieved Topmost goal (SB ) Associates with Kåñëa (Adi Puräna) No difference between Name & Kåñëa (Padma Puräna) Many births devotee alone can chant (Padma Puräna) atha Sri Kåñëa …. i.e. “at first senses can’t perceive. But name itself will gradually reveal”
64. Living in Mathurä In list of 64, Mathurä Våndävana mentioned 4 times why? Specific emphasis in item Item 7 Item 48 Item 55 Item 64 Visiting holy places like Dwarka, Puré, Gaìgä etc. Briefly visiting temple of Viñëu Exclusively Mathurä Våndävana Unparalleled ability of Mathurä Våndävana to awaken bhäva bhakti specially living there and serving in various ways