Welcome! There is a scavenger hunt on each desk for you and your child to do together. Please take home the conference form on your child’s desk. If you need to change your time, please see me.
Homework Please sign your child’s planner every night - This helps you keep connected with your child’s work, and helps them to know that you are participating in their daily education. Homework packets are due every Friday - They are given out on Fridays. An adult checks to ensure that each student has filled out all of their homework in their planner before the homework is passed out. Please help your child manage their time throughout the week, so that all of the homework does not need to be done Thursday night. Weekly homework includes Spelling, Independent Reading, Fluency, and Math Facts. 4 students had 100% turn in rate two weeks ago, 7 students had 100% this time!
Field Trips Tulalip Hibulb Cultural Museum Seattle Underground, possibly Columbia Center A museum in Seattle - Burke or Klondike Lively Property We will do all these field trips with the rest of 4th grade. Tillicum Village We will do this field trip as a Lighthouse class only.
Student Behavior We are working on the following expectations for a 4th grade student: Following Directions - verbal and visual - quickly and correctly Listening Respectfully - paying attention when someone else is talking, not interrupting the speaker, staying in seat Organizing Materials - there should not be any loose papers in desks. Papers should be put in the correct folder or behind the correct divider.
This and That Volunteering - Has gone very well! Your children were obviously very happy and comfortable having you in the classroom. Directions for AM rotations will always be on the clipboards. PM and Friday volunteers help as needed with lessons. Please do not hesitate to help individuals and small groups, and answer students’ questions. Birthday Celebration - Fall birthday celebration will be Friday, October 30 11: :20 (over lunch time), for students with September, October, November, and December birthdays. Everett School District food guidelines will need to be followed. A letter will come home this week to the fall birthday families. Screen Time - Please help your child limit their TV, computer, and video game time during the school week.
This and That Intervention Time - will begin next week. 30 minutes of remediation for students who need reteaching, and extension for students who understood the concepts of the first math unit. Student Independence - Move to a guidance role with your child(ren). Help them to plan their time and choices, but do not make the decisions for them. Remind them of behavior expectations, and expect them to follow through independently. Put the responsibility for being a student on them.