Effective Program Management NCDA Presentation – June 24, 2010 Sean Glennon Principal Planner City of Quincy, MA
Important Dates - HPRP July 10, 2010 – QPRs due October 10, 2010 – QPRs due November 30, 2010 – APR due (e-snaps) January 10, 2011 – QPRs due April 10, 2011 – QPRs due July 10, 2011 – QPRs due
Important Dates - HPRP 60% of funds must be expended within 2 years of the date that HUD signed the grant agreement. (Summer 2011) 100% of funds must be expended within 3 years of the date that HUD signed the grant agreement. (Summer 2012) KNOW WHEN HUD SIGNED YOUR GRANT AGREEMENT!!!
Best Practices - HPRP RFP required applicant agencies to be either an existing member agency of our local Board on Homelessness at time of RFP release, OR, collaborate with an existing member. The subrecipients collaborated on RFP and will work together throughout grant term. Extra points on RFP for partnership. City/Subs. attended regional HUD training
Best Practices - HPRP Held “implementation meeting” with subs. Advertised the program through regular newspaper articles/ads; web; local radio; local TV; Board meetings; brochure Residency restriction*: participants must have lived in Quincy for 2 of the past 5 yrs WWIGD: What Would IG Do? Excel Reports You Tube: Excel Magic Trick #259
“HPRP Financial Management Presentation Slides (PDF)”Presentation Slides