Welcome back to Life Science! Please sit in the same seat as yesterday! Materials Check: 1.Notebook 2.Dry erase marker (Please get them out and be ready to show me!)
Today’s Agenda 1. Attendance 2. Materials check 3. Seating chart 4. Interactive notebook set-up 5. *Do Now: Earth Science (I will check homework.) 6. Round Robin: I liked learning about… 7. *Venn Diagram: Earth Science vs. Life Science 8. *Pair/Share: Current Event (use your HW) 9. *Exit Pass: I want to learn more about… 10. Ice breakers (only if there is time!) * I will stamp this work in your notebook…you will get 4 stamps today!!!
First, on the front cover please write…) Your full name Life Science and period ___ Vartanian and Room 117 NAME (FIRST & LAST) SCIENCE/ PERIOD Ms Vartanian / ROOM 117 Time to set up our notebooks!!!!
Next, add your title page Life Science Name (First and Last) Period ___ Ms. Vartanian Fall 2011 *Feel free to decorate this page
Next, add in the Table of Contents Table of Contents Date Assignment Page #
Skip a few blank pages (5-6) for your table of contents
How to set up your notebook … 1L 1R Label the left side “1L” and the right side “1R” in the center of bottom margin
How to set up your notebook … 1L 1R 8/16/11 Make sure you put the date on each new page 8/16/11
How to set up your notebook … 1L 1R Make sure you title your page and underline it in the center top margin 8/16/11 Do Now: Earth Science 8/16/11
All science notebook entries must include: Date in the top right-hand corner. Underlined title in the center of top margin. Page number in the center of bottom margin. ‘Observe, Question, Comment’ section on left-page margin. If you run out of space, continue the activity on the next right or left page. Label that page 1R Continued or 1L Continued. Science Notebook Training 08/16/08 1R Do Now: Earth Science 08/16/08 1L Observe, Question, Comment (OQC)
Science Notebook Training (contd) Science notebook pages are used: Right = Shared Space (info that is definitely correct) class notes lab activities any activity we do together Left = Personal Space (info that might be correct) Do Now Anything you do on your own any questions or comments you have during class 1R Continued 1L Continued Observe, Question, Comment
1L OQC *Do Now: Earth Science (10 min) (You do not need to copy anything written in red.) Directions: Last year you learned all about the earth. I have not taught that class in a long time. Please write a PARAGRAPH (5-6 sentences) that will remind me what Earth Science is all about. What do you remember learning about? What was your favorite topic or learning activity from Earth Science? Why? How do you think Earth Science is related to Life Science? What do they have in common?
Round Robin: What was your favorite topic from Earth Science? Directions: We will each take a turn to share out loud with the class the answer to the above question. Please try not to repeat what someone else has already said. If you need to pass, we can come back to you at the end. Question: When did you learn about living things during Earth Science class?
Organism = anything that is alive Examples: Bacteria Fungi Protists Plants Animals Unit 1 Vocabulary 08/16/08 2R *Venn Diagram: Earth vs. Life Science 08/16/08 2L Observe, Question, Comment (OQC) Directions: Please fill in the above Venn Diagram. In the red circle, list 3 things that is true about Earth Science. In the green circle, list 3 things that is true about Life Science. In the center, list 3 things they have in common. Use your textbook to help you.
08/16/08 2R *Venn Diagram: Earth vs. Life Science 2L Observe, Question, Comment (OQC)
08/16/08 3R *Pair/Share: Current Event in Science 08/16/08 3L Observe, Question, Comment (OQC) If you did do your homework you only have to summarize one article. If you did NOT do your homework you have to summarize TWO articles.
3L OQC *Pair/Share: Current Event in Science Directions: You will share your article with a classmate. You will tell them the answers to the 3 questions below. They will record your answers in their notebook. Then you will switch. They will share the answers to the same 3 questions, but about their article. You will record the info they share with you in your notebook. 1.What new information is this article sharing with you? 2. Is this topic related more to earth science, life science, or neither? How do you know? 3. What else do you want to know about this topic?
08/16/08 3R *Pair/Share: Current Event in Science 08/16/08 3L Observe, Question, Comment (OQC) *Exit Pass: I want to learn more about… Directions: Write a 4-5 sentence paragraph explaining what you would like to learn more about in science class this year. Remember, we are focusing on LIFE SCIENCE, but will be able to connect what we learn to EARTH and PHYSICAL SCIENCE too.
I agree vs. I disagree Directions: I am going to read many statements. Each time you hear one, decide if you agree or disagree with it. If you agree, STAND UP. If you disagree, STAY SEATED. If you are not sure, stay seated and RAISE YOUR HAND.
I agree vs. I disagree 1.Chocolate ice cream tastes better than vanilla. 2.My favorite sport is basketball. 3.I like to dance. 4.I am a good cook. 5.I am the youngest in my family. 6.I can speak more than one language. 7.I like to be teased by other kids. 8.I am better at math than language arts. 9.I enjoy learning about new things. 10.I know I can get better grades this year than I did last year. 11.I have a friend that I can trust. 12.I would rather be smart than rich. 13.One of my goals is to graduate from college before I turn I have to practice to become a better reader and writer. 15.I am excited to grow up and be independent soon.