Human Skeleton 206 bones
Axial Skeleton
Cranial Bones Frontal bone - This large bone forms the forehead region, roof of the orbit and anterior part of the cranial cavity 2. Parietal bones - These two large bones form the greater part of the superior and lateral part of the skull. They join together at a suture on the midline and also join with the frontal bones. The word "parietal" means wall and these bones form much of the lateral "walls" of the skull. 3. Temporal bones - These bones make up the "temple" region of the skull superior and anterior to the ear hole. There is a large region of contact between the superior edge of the temporal bone and the inferior part of the parietal bone. 4. Occipital bone - This large bone forms the posterior and inferior base of the cranium. It is through this bone that the skull is supported by the vertebral column. The large hole in the base of the skull (foramen magnum) pierces the occipital bone. 5. Sphenoid Bone – Lies at the middle part of the base of the skull. A key stone of the cranial floor because it articulates with all the other cranial bones. 6. Ethmoid Bone – light, sponge- like bone located on the midline in the anterior part of the cranial floor.
Bones of the Face 1. Nasal bones - These bones form the skeleton of the bridge of the nose. The major structure portion of the nose consists of flexible cartilage. 2. Zygomatic bones - These bones, in common language, are the cheek bones. They lie inferior and lateral to the eye sockets. 3. Maxillary bones (Maxilla) - These bones are the upper jaw bone and holds the upper teeth. They extend far up toward the medial part of the eye socket. 4. Mandible bone - This large bone is the lower jaw bone which holds the lower teeth. Note that the joint-bearing part of the bone extends up to near the ear region of the skull.
Hyoid Bone
Vertebral Column Term# of VertebraeBody AreaAbbreviation Cervical7NeckC1 – C7 Thoracic12ChestT1 – T12 Lumbar5Low BackL1 – L5 Sacrum5 (fused)PelvisS1 – S5 Coccyx3TailboneNone
Thoracic cage