September 22, 2009 Tennessee Green Summit, Nashville, TN SOUTHEAST ENERGY EFFICIENCY ALLIANCE.


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Presentation transcript:

September 22, 2009 Tennessee Green Summit, Nashville, TN SOUTHEAST ENERGY EFFICIENCY ALLIANCE

Who is SEEA? Covering 11 southeastern states Covering 11 southeastern states 71 million residents 71 million residents The Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance builds regional partnerships to promote and achieve energy efficiency for a cleaner environment, a more prosperous economy, and a higher quality of life.

SEEA Participants State, federal & local governments, electric and natural gas utilities, businesses (energy users and efficiency suppliers), and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) (environment, low income housing, etc.). State, federal & local governments, electric and natural gas utilities, businesses (energy users and efficiency suppliers), and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) (environment, low income housing, etc.).

Why SEEA? Electric energy efficiency spending per capita in the Southeast is just one-fifth the national average.Electric energy efficiency spending per capita in the Southeast is just one-fifth the national average. The Southeast region has the lowest levels in the nation for ENERGY STAR market penetration. The Southeast region has the lowest levels in the nation for ENERGY STAR market penetration.

Lower electricity rates in the Southeast Lower electricity rates in the Southeast Significant upfront investments Significant upfront investments Misaligned incentives between investment and reward Misaligned incentives between investment and reward Regulatory structures Regulatory structures Information gaps Information gaps Source: The Power of Efficiency, by WRI, SEEA, & Southface, April 2009

More than half of expected growth in demand for electricity and natural gas can be avoided over the next 15 years  This can be done by extending energy efficiency “Best Practice” programs to the entire country  Save nearly $20 billion annually on energy bills  Avoid 30,000 MW new 500 MW power plants  Avoid more than 400 million tons of CO 2 annually  NAPEE Leadership Group included 27 electric and gas utilities, 16 state agencies, and 13 other organizations (+ EPA and DOE) The “National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency” concluded: Leadership Group National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Potential Energy Savings Source: Energy Efficiency in Appalachia, March 2009

Energy Efficiency in Appalachia could offset: By 2020 By 2020 ≈20 new coal-fired electric power plants ≈20 new coal-fired electric power plantsAND 63 million barrels of oil – about 3% of U.S. production in 2007 or 2.6 million light-duty vehicles 63 million barrels of oil – about 3% of U.S. production in 2007 or 2.6 million light-duty vehicles By 2030 By 2030 ≈40 new coal-fired electric power plants ≈40 new coal-fired electric power plantsAND 182 million barrels of oil – about 10% of U.S. production in 2007 or 6.7 million LDVs 182 million barrels of oil – about 10% of U.S. production in 2007 or 6.7 million LDVs Source: Energy Efficiency in Appalachia, March 2009

Jobs Macroeconomic Impacts Jobs (Actual)16,20015,40037,30077,300 Wages (Million $2006) $517$450$1,169$3018 GRP (Million $2006) $763$444$1,197$3056 Source: Energy Efficiency in Appalachia, March 2009

Fifteen Policies are Modeled Residential Buildings Commercial Buildings IndustryTransportation Improved Building Energy Code with Third Party Verification and Compliance Incentive Commercial Building Energy Codes with Third Party Verification and Compliance Incentives Expanded Industrial Assessment Centers Pay-as-You-Drive Insurance Expanded Weatherization Assistance Programs Support for Commissioning of Existing Commercial Buildings Increasing Energy Savings Assessments Clean Car Standards Residential Retrofit Incentive with Resale Energy Labeling and Incremental Cost Incentives Efficient Commercial HVAC and Lighting Retrofit Incentive Supporting Combined Heat and Power (CHP) with Incentive SmartWay Heavy Truck Efficiency Loan Program Tightened Residential Appliance Standards with Incentive Tightened Office Equipment Standards with Efficient Use Incentives Speed Limit Enforcement

Source: The Power of Efficiency, by WRI, SEEA, & Southface, April 2009 Cost of Energy Efficiency

Contact Ben Taube/Alex Tapia Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance Website: