1935 F EDERAL E LECTION By 1935 Canadians still felt the effects of the depression and were angry at Bennett’s government for doing very little to help Just before the 1935 federal election, Bennett announced new radical reforms (major changes). Create unemployment, minimum wages, control prices so business could make fair profits… People called these reforms Bennett’s New Deal Citizens thought Bennett spoke up too late and didn’t believe his promises. The majority of Canadians voted Liberal and King was the Prime Minister again!
S OCIAL C REDIT Where: the province of Alberta Problems: People did not have enough money to spend on the goods being produced Solution: Citizens would be given a “social credit” or cash payment ($25/month) People would take the $25 and spend it on goods Business would then increase production, people would have jobs and money. The credits were called “funny money” because they were declared illegal and were never paid out.
C O - OPERATIVE C OMMONWEALTH F EDERATION (CCF) Co-operative : Farmers belief in joint action Commonwealth : hope for social order and equal wealth Federation: party was made up of various economic and social groups Who : Farmers, university teachers, labour groups, some government members Wanted : More government control of production and economy. Didn’t like private ownership. Example: Government should be in charge of health, hydro, electricity, etc.
Solution: Clearing out slums and extending electricity in rural areas This would provide jobs and benefit economy Eventually the federal government adopted some CCF policies Example: welfare insurance, family allowance, unemployment insurance and compensation for injured workers Today this party is called the New Democratic Party (NDP).
U NION N ATIONALE Who: French Canadians Where: the province of Quebec Problems: English speaking Canadians in Quebec were the cause of economic and social problems – taking over jobs and their French culture Solutions: Create a more powerful province to follow own policies Run Quebec businesses with French citizens Improve working conditions and build affordable housing