STFC Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Codes SHE communication is an area the STFC needs to improve and a simple demonstration of effective safety management – s alone are not enough This package is one of a series of STFC SHE Code – updates, revisions and launches. Simple presentations will be available for all Codes and should be used by STFC Managers at all levels to cascade the key messages to all staff and contractors.
Simplified format for SHE Codes To aid their communication and understanding - simple language and clear responsibilities Purpose – why the code exists Scope – where it does and does not apply Definitions – of key terms Responsibilities – set out by role – read the part applicable to you, simple language Appendices - specific to the code but include standard appendices for the training relevant to the code, and an audit checklist
Safety, Health and Environment Group Outline of the new STFC SHE Code - “Incident Reporting and Investigation”; & Introduction to “SHE Enterprise” – the STFC web based incident reporting tool.
Why Report & Investigate SHE Incidents ? The primary objective of reporting and investigating incidents is to prevent, where possible, their recurrence by making improvements to equipment, procedures etc. This can only be done by examining the contributory causes – immediate, and root or indirect causes and taking appropriate actions. In addition there are legal duties on employers, STFC, and employees, you, under health & safety legislation to report and investigate all incidents.
Issues addressed by new Code & reporting system Clarity provided for –Non reporting and late reporting of incidents –Identification of incident root causes –Implementation of corrective actions to prevent recurrence Too hard to report – to many and too complicated pro formas – difficulty finding ‘accident books’
What and Who to Report Any incident which resulted in or could have resulted, in: –injury to staff, users, visitors, contractors, tenants; –damage to STFC property; –ill health – current or future; or –harm to the environment. should be reported where they arise from Council activities or occur on Council sites. This includes incidents that arise when travelling and working on Council business ‘offsite’ in UK or overseas – including vehicle incidents Incidents should be reported promptly – by those involved or witnessing an incident – ensuring their line management are informed.
When and How to Report In principle all incidents should be reported as soon as practicable to relevant line management and SHE Group: –Major incidents should be reported immediately (within 12 hours) ; and –In general all incidents should be reported within 2 working days The simplest and most direct way to report incidents is now on-line through ‘SHE Enterprise’- one form for incidents or near misses – ~3 minutes to complete: – An MS Word pro forma is available on the SHE website (follow link from Staff Central) which can be printed off and filled in manually and forwarded to site SHE Groups.
* mandatory fields
Key points Read the part of the Code relevant to you. Report any incidents with SHE implications that occurs on STFC sites no matter who is involved. Report promptly – within 2 working days. Don’t forget to report incidents when travelling or working offsite on Council business. Investigate incident & implement actions to prevent, where possible, recurrence. Serious or Potentially Serious (SoPS) incidents will require a short documented investigation report Report findings to SHE Group within 2 weeks
Further questions Don’t hesitate to contact your SHE Group - Gareth Baker, DL, Jim Wells, RAL, 6323 or Jan Harris, RAL, or your Departmental Safety Contact If you have questions on the content or the format of the presentation
Departmental Safety Contacts –CLF- Brian Wyborn RAL5589 –ISIS - Jane Vickers RAL8331 –SRS - Mike Bailey DL3904 –Corporate- Andy Dickinson RAL8345 Services- Colin WeeksDL Julia EastonRAL 5796 –TBU - Steve Quinton RAL5534 –SSTD - Guy Woodhouse RAL5328 –PPD - Erik JohnsonRAL 5071 / Paul Flower RAL6264 –CSED- Tim FranksDL 3985 –E-science- Andrew KayeRAL8279 –ASTeC- Joe HerbertDL 3215 –Head Office- Andy BoydRAL 8222