Weapon Safety Facts Accidental weapon discharges are on the increase Accidental discharges are preventable and unacceptable There is no difference between unloading and clearing a weapon Unloading is one step in the process of clearing If you unload it, then you must clear it Several injuries and death have been associated with accidental discharges Accidental discharges have occurred during cleaning and in the performance of function checks
Basic Weapon Safety Safe muzzle orientation is critical to weapons safety. Soldiers will always keep their weapon pointed in a safe direction. At no time should any part of the human body be in the likely path of a bullet. This requires constant awareness of the muzzle orientation and frequent repositioning and adjusting of the weapon. Muzzle orientation will be enforced at all times, not just when the weapon is considered loaded. It is critical that Soldiers learn muzzle orientation as a life skill that becomes second nature and a personal responsibility.
Basic Weapon Safety a target or when enemy contact is not imminent. Weapons will be kept on safe at all times when not engaging a target or when enemy contact is not imminent. Fingers will be kept off of the trigger until firing the weapon is intended. There have been numerous accidental discharges resulting from Soldiers being bumped while the weapon safety selector was placed on FIRE and the finger on the trigger.
Basic Weapon Safety Commanders will ensure that controls are in place to prevent Soldiers from mishandling weapons in living and sleeping areas. Leaders will supervise weapons clearing at all times whether ammunition is present or not. Leaders will remain involved to ensure ammunition has not inadvertently been left in the weapon or placed in the weapon in a manner that can result in an accidental discharge. Leader enforcement of muzzle orientation is particularly important in these weapons handling activities.
Basic Weapon Safety When clearing weapons on ranges, the weapon will be oriented down range during the clearing process. When a clearing barrel is required by local installation or brigade SOPs, ensure soldiers understand the concept of “train as you fight” and they build confidence in weapons handling. Commanders at all levels will ensure that a range safety program is in place. The range safety program should cover RSO and OIC duties as outlined in AR 385-63 and DA Pam 385-63. The CDR will ensure the RSO is qualified on the weapon system fired.
Basic Weapon Safety Leaders or vehicle commanders will ensure weapon systems mounted for any reason are clear prior to installing or removing weapons from the mount. Leaders or vehicle commanders will ensure a weapon fired from a vehicle mount is coordinated with dismount elements in the area and the firing sector (area within the range fan of the weapon system) is clear.
Weapon Issue & Turn-in Both the Armorer and Soldier visually verify that the weapon does not contain ammunition Inspect weapon whether or not ammunition is issued Clear weapon before turning in or when directed Armorer ensures Soldier has not performed unauthorized repair/maintenance
Armorer Safety Responsibilities Verify each individual’s authority to bear arms before issuing weapons or ammunition Ensure each weapon is cleared and visually inspected prior to issue or turn-in Issue weapons stock (butt) first, muzzle elevated, slide/bolt locked to the rear, and on SAFE Allow only one person at a time to approach the issue or turn-in point Visually inspect for ammunition before storage
Clearing Barrels Provide/use clearing barrels at designated locations Construct clearing barrels IAW 4ID standard Maintain clearing barrels through periodic inspections Post weapon specific clearing instructions near the clearing barrel in a large readable format Use clearing barrels near arms rooms (issue & turn-in), on ranges, during PMI, and as specified by SOP Train soldiers in the use of clearing barrels, not clearing rods
Clearing Barrels
Deployment Safety Guidance Supervise weapons clearing & their frequency Supervise ammunition issue or turn-in & weapons loading Supervise placement of clearing barrels, clearing pits, or designated clearing lanes Ensure Soldiers know the situations in which to place their weapons in a firing posture Establish & publish standards for safe weapons clearing Integrate clearing procedures into pre-deployment training Control weapons test firing
Weapons Clearing
Weapons Clearing
Weapons Clearing
Proficiency = Safe Handling Annual range qualification doesn't necessarily indicate weapons proficiency. Soldiers not only must effectively engage targets, they must also perform other associated tasks including: Clearing procedures Loading and unloading procedures Immediate action Remedial action Disassembly and reassembly Weapons maintenance Functions check Preventative maintenance checks and services