Republic of Sudan Federal Ministry Of Health Thematic Area 5 progress Health Emergency Preperdness and Response
Requirements to achievements Putting strategies related to risk mitigation and preparedness for disaster on top of the agenda (working with countries top leaders) Identify types of personnel and capacities need to be strengthen Secure funds to implement these actions: look for funding agencies within the OIC
Achievements in Activities of thematic area 5
1-Strengthening the capacity of emergency human resources for health (EHRH) by accelerating emergency cadre training and development Achievements Adaptation of available training manuals and development of training curriculum in mass causality management for OIC to suite regional training purposes (needs approval by OIC) Identify other types of capacities need to be strengthen
2-Developing OIC emergency roster Achievements Designing the national electronic (E) roster’s format. Distributing the E roster to the member states, Filling the roster by the member states, Designing the OIC electronic roster’s format.
Actions to be completed for the two activities: Look for reputable institutes with accredited programs to provide the training (focus on the experience of South-East Asian countries) Secure funds to implement these actions: look for funding agencies within the OIC Put clear implementation and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan Collecting the experts’ lists from the OIC members.
Actions to be completed for the two activities: Develop multidisciplinary rapid response teams for hazards that are not completely related to health, for example, chemical and radio nuclear hazards. Develop a volunteer policy to be part of the reserved pool Training packages will be identified, prioritized and developed.
Actions to be completed for the two activities: A central Database should be created to record all health emergency related training at the regional level and capture relevant information Developing OIC e roster TORs Developing OIC E roster SOPs Approval of the roster by the OIC.
Challenges for implementation Implementation depends on the availability of Fund Applying the national HRH audit to be used in the form of the available skills and capacities of managing health emergencies at a regional level. Alignment of the national /and regional HRH plan with the emergency HR plan (training, recruitment, deployment) Regular update of the existing data base on the training conducted states member.
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