Terrorism In The News Term 2 By Jack Letcher
Syrian army storms rebel town of Qusair 1. It happened in the middle east. 2.It happened 19th of may It has effected civilians and rebels. 4. source: BBC News 5.the motivation to try corrupt the rebels. 6.Fighting erupted and 50 people were killed and 450 wounded.
Attacks kill 95 in Iraq, hint of Syria spillover 1. Where: Baghdad,Iraq. 2.When:21/5/13 3.Who was affected:95 innocent Baghdad people killed. 4.source:NZ Herald 5.motivation: Sunni insurgents, including al-Qaeda's branch in Iraq, and Shiite militias defending their newfound power after Saddam Hussein's fall.
Bombs tear through Iraqi capital, killing over 60 Bombs Tear Through Iraqi, Killing 60 1.Where:Baghdad. 2.When:28/5/13. 3.Who was affected:66 people killed and 200 people injured. 4.Source:NZ Herald 5.motivation:anti-government protests 6.What happened:several car bombings hit Baghdad,at least 66 people killed and 200 injured.
Murder charge for London attacker 1. Where: London,England 2.When :30/5/13 3.who it affected: a british soldier 4.source:NZ Herald 5.Motivation:a hit out against british soldiers. 6. What happened:a british soldier was murdered.
Taliban's bold attack on Kabul airport 1. Where: Kabul,Afghanistan 2.When :11/6/13 3.Who was affected:in this case only the attackers were killed. 4. Source:NZ herald 5.Motivation:The attacks are aimed at demoralizing the population and sowing mistrust in the Afghan security forces' ability to protect their citizens rather than military gains. 6. What happened:Seven armed Taliban fighters launched a rare attack on NATO's headquarters at the military section of Kabul's international airport
At Least 13 Dead In Attack On UN Compound 1. Where: Mogadishu 2.When;20/6/13 3.Who was affected:the UN and foreigners 4. Source:NZ Herald 5.Motivation: they believe that the UN is a merchant of death. political 6. What: suicide truck bomb
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