Heidi Lacks Storyboard Notes/Referral Guide
introduction Clearly state hypothesis/thesis Among the many cultural icons that create gender norms, figurative dolls, including Barbie, epitomize the female gender role and everything young girls want to see in themselves- cute, pretty and magical while also beautiful, sexually attractive, and stylish. However this unattainable ideal of femininity is wreaking havoc on young female children today. The unrealistic body proportions portrayed by young female toys and figurative dolls compound the physical and mental harm young female children endure in failed attempts to reach these ideals of perfection.
3 main Topics Marketing Appearance is performance Sexualized identities and dangerous body types
Marketing Question #3 Tillmann Interview ( Marketing Section of this questions notes) -00:04:14: :04:24:03 Clip #8 = Marketing Messages Total time for section: 36:11: :38:26
Appearance is Performance Advertising Question #1 Tillman Interview 00:00:29: :01:18:28 Question #3 Tillmann Interview ( Advertising Section of this questions -00:14:52: :05:18:1 Question #4 Tillmann Interview -00:05:41:10=00:06:32:28 Connect with one of Rameys Response Question#1= Debra Interview Question#2= Debra Interview Connect Rameys Idea about children surrounded by media pressures Clip #4 Rameys Interview Clip #5 Rameys Interview Total amount of time for section: 29:20: :15:21 Total of entire Section: 30:46: :48:02 Total time for entire section 00:00:44: :01:22:27 Total Time Start To Finish 00:01:30: :02:26:25
Sexualized identities/Dangerous Body Types Question #2 Tillmann Interview 00:02:18: :03:14:07 Clip #6 Ramey Interview Total of Entire Section: 33:22: :34:05:19 CONTINE At 34:10:25 END 35:06:11 Clip #7 Ramey Interview Total of entire section 35:06: :34:04 Clip #9 Ramey Interview Total amount of this section 36:34: :35:07
Tillman Interview Question #1= Gender/performance/Act Total start and end time for entire section: 00:00:29:29-00:01:09:17 1.Perform/Act—(look up to mom as role model (Iron board, cook, clean) 2.Behave a certain way Question #2= Sexualization/Dangerous Total start and end time for entire section: -00:02:18: :03:14:07 1.Celebrities/models/media/magazines (Skinny, young, beautiful 2.Self esteem goes down---Effects body and self Question #3= Marketing and Advertising T Total start and end time for entire section: -00:04:14:11—00:05:30:25 1.Marketing -00:04:14: :04:24:03 2.Advertising-00:14:52: :05:18:11 Question #4= Ideolized Type of Bodies in the Media (FANTASY WORLD, Perform/ Act) -00:05:41:10=00:06:32:28 1.Advertising creates this need of never being happy or satisfied with what we have 2.Ideolized Bodies in the Media/Fantasy World (put ideas in are head)
Tillmann Interview Question #4 with #5= Dangerous Body Types/Body Ideals/Self Esteem Tot T Total of Start and End Time: -00:06:47: :09:30:08 Total of Start and End Time: -00:06:47: :09:30:08 1.Idealized type of Bodies in the media 2.Referring back to “the GAP” 3.Fantasy World 4.Advertisers START: 00:08:01:13 -What Produces Self-Esteem? 1.Media lowers body self esteem 2.Body ideals 3.Uncouncious thinking END: -00:09:30:08 *First part of Q #4 of Tillmann -00:06:47:27-00:08:01:13 *First part of Q #4 of Tillmann -00:06:47:27-00:08:01:13 Second Part of Q #4 (I think start of #5
Ramey Woods Interview Clip #1= Appearance/ Performance Total time of this section: 00:00:18:14: :00:19:46:22 1.Acceptance 2.Body Image 3.What is beautiful 4.What they are supposed to look like Clip #2= Impages Portrayed/Causation of Body Image Total time of this section: -00:00:20:00: :00:19:46:22 1.Imagination and who that person thinks they are/become Feel the need to 2. meet these standards, that in reality can (Relate to Tillmann about filling in the Gap ) Never be reached or fulfilled.
Ramey Woods Clip #3= Stereotypes/Assumptions Talks about School Uniforms (refers a lot to my 4 th question) 1.Stereotyped and assumptions 2.Judgments 3.Express individuality in other ways 4.“I’m better than this person” (The mentality that you have) Clip #4= Marketing to kids/act and performe like role models Total amount of time for section: 29:20: :15:21 1.Toys and life size things kids want to buy and be like it 2.“If I buy this dress I can be like her” ** 3.Kids see princess movies and want to be like that princess 4.Little girls look up to things and want to connect to that 5.Trends and Halloween Costumes Side Note: Connect this section with -Avery Talking about her Halloween costumes -Avery Talking about how she wants to be like Bell Carrian talking about how she like to play doctor and be like her mom -Avery talking about how she her mom being her role model and how she wants to be a teacher like her. -Talking about how she likes to play doctor.
Ramey Woods Clip #5= Gender Roles, Parenting, Social Roles Total of entire Section: 30:46: :48:02 1.Parenting plays a role 2.Do you like to emulate their parents when they are young? 3.“See what mommy is doing” SIDE NOTE: Connect with Avery saying she wants to be a teacher like her mom Connect to Carrian saying she want to be a teacher like her mom Connect how they both say they like pet shop because they want to be like Barbie and be like a doctor Clip #6=Social Media Pressures—Reflect Dangerous Body Types / Unachievable goals 1.Dangerous Body Types 2.Unrealistic Images surrounded by Media 3.Look through Magazines-reflect Self-Esteem Total of Entire Section: 33:22: :05:19 CONTINE At 34:10:25 END 35:06:11 Clip #7= Body Image Struggles/ Differences and Different Bodies Total of entire section 35:06: :34:04 1) “This is the standard, your never going to reach it, and your never going to be happy with who you are” Start: 35:06:11 End: 35:18:28 2) “All of this plays into the toys that they see, the actresses, the dolls… Everything”-----Start: 35:06:11 End: 35:34:04
Ramey Woods Interview Clip #8= Marketing Messages Total time for section: 36:11: :38:26 “Look like that, I get to have friends like that…but its not real” Clip #9= Barbie Quote________________________________ Total amount of this section 36:34: :35:07 “It’s ok to play with a Barbie doll just know if she were to be life-size she would be not able to stand”
Debra Wellmann Question#1= Appearance/ Body Changes over time Total time for entire section 00:00:44: :01:22:27 1.Barbie used to be/ she was a role model back in ERA 2.Positives about Barbie 3.Reflect on how media has changed the way people perceive one another now. 1.Note: Even when the body type is normal society is not happy (refer to 300 always trying to fill the gap? Question#2= Pressure by Media-Do Toys have an Effect on Children's Body Image? Question#3= Total Time Start To Finish 00:01:30: :02:26:25 1.Media Pressures, Magazines, Cartoons … 2.“I think all of this in some degree has an effect of how young girls are raised while growing up. How a family works together.
Methods(compairing and contrasting) Gender Roles Body images Toys
Carreras Interview Question #1- Favorite Doll 1.Bratz Doll 2.LIV Doll 3.Dddd 4.Dddd 5.Dddddd 6.ddddd Bratz Doll: “Because she has blonde hair just like me, and shes a rockstar and that’s what I want to be when I grow up.” Start| 00:00:22:01 End| 00:00:28:21
Girl and mom doing something together in commercial
Argument: Overll effect on performance Hypthosis mthods
intervirws Types How long they are/time Which section they would go in Where it fits in Good thing about it Note if I want to zoom in
Shot descriptoion What it is – Interview questoon= what – Class activity – -images – -scholar quotes Deb wellman talking about
audio music
comments Time: length of clip Possibilites or side notes for scene Transition: how going to get to the next scene