EYFS Children will solve problems in a practical way involving doubling. They are encouraged to think of mental images to reflect this. Progression in written Multiplication Stage 1 Children are encouraged to develop a mental image of the size of numbers. They learn to think about equal groups of sets of objects in practical, real life situations. They begin to record these situations using pictures. A child’s jotting showing fingers on each hand as a double. Stage 2 Children understand that multiplication is repeated addition and that can be done by counting in equal steps/groups. Children can then be introduced to the image of a rectangular array, initially through real items such as egg boxes, baking trays, ice cubes trays, wrapping paper etc. and using these to show that counting up in equal groups can be a quicker way of finding a total. 5 x 3 = 15 3 x 5 = 15 Stage 3 Children continue to use arrays and create their own to represent multiplication calculations. Introduction to grid method with 2,3,4,5,8 tables only.. 13 x 8 Leading to: Stage 4 Continue to link arrays to the grid method with all times tables. (Start with units x units) Use array ITP or counters Drawn to scale by using Move towards smaller grid and them to expanded formal method squares in books Move onto 3 digit x single digit (see stage 5a)
Stage 5a Some children may benefit from using the grid method until understanding is more secure. 3 digit x by 1 digit. Begin with the units to support moving onto more formal methods. Move towards expanded Then to traditional multiplication with short multiplication the units first. with units first. Progression in written Multiplication Stage 5b When moving to long multiplication any children needing to go back to the grid method should do so for a limited period. Bigger numbers: The aim should be to move them on to an efficient formal method ( recognise in assessment tests) as quickly as possible. Stage 6 For questions with one decimal place you can multiply by 10 to get rid of the decimal point. Solve the problem then divide by 10 to put the decimal point in. Now take the answer and divide by 10 to find the answer to the original question.
Arrays to illustrate grid multiplication Long MultiplicationShort Multiplication Multiplication