This unit entails a vast amount of educational learning tasks in which students are enriched in numerous humanities experiences. Students undertake extensive.


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Presentation transcript:

This unit entails a vast amount of educational learning tasks in which students are enriched in numerous humanities experiences. Students undertake extensive research into topics such as history, economics, geography and begin the basics on sustainability. Teaching students about these specific humanities areas is vital as it enables them to make connections to real world experiences. This helps them to gain important knowledge and skills that will assist them in their future. The Australian Curriculum (2014) states that engaging and learning through humanities can benefit students ability to make decisions, think critically, come up with meaningful questions, solve problems, adapt to change and communicate effectively. This in turn will help students to become and active member of their community and the world in which we live. In this unit, history has been used in a way that engages students with the important past of Phillip Island. This discipline of history is a form of inquiry built around sources, evidence and multiple accounts of the past (Harvie 2015). Harvie (2015) continues to explain that having an awareness of history is an essential element of any society as it provides us with a deeper understanding and appreciation on how the world around us has been shaped and changed over time. This is why within the lessons history has been incorporated in a way that allows students to explore and identify important historical events on Phillip Island. Another aspect that needed to be considered when planning the history component of this unit was ‘historical concepts and historical skills,’ which Hoepper (2014) explains will assist in the planning of successful and effective history lesson. Geography is another main focus area in this humanities unit. This component targets specific skills such as mapping, identifying features of a map and environmental characteristics of certain places. This directly links to the Australian Curriculum (2014) for geography as it states that students will learn to collect, record and evaluate relevant geographical data and represent this in different forms such as a map. During their excursion to Phillip Island they will also seek out certain geographical characteristics such as the Nobbies blow hole and how erosion has shaped cliffs. They will use this information to inform their own understanding of how places differ around the world. Geography can be a very hands on subject and this is displayed through the creation of the 3D clay model of Phillip Island. This engaging activity allows for students to gain a deeper understanding, as the experience of creation is much more meaningful (Matthews and Cranby 2014). Economics is such an imperative topic for students to be involved in as it provides them with essential knowledge and understanding that can be vividly used within their future endeavours. Harvie (2015) suggests that economics is taught most effectively when students can make a personal connection to the topic focus at hand. Through the open- ended task of creating a business on Phillip Island students are able to make individual contributions that are relevant or have significance to them. According to the Australian Curriculum (2014) students should have the opportunity to learn and explore the impact of decision- making in everyday life. Within economics students are able to meaningfully develop key understandings of economical growth. This is evident in the discussions and findings of the importance of the Phillip Island bridge as well as tourist attractions such as the Nobbies. Overall, this humanities unit allows students to gain an in depth conceptual understanding of a targeted area which provides new insights about how the world around us works. Inquiry Question What are the important geographical, economical and historical aspects of Phillip Island? BIG ideas Phillip Island has a vast amount of significant history that can be used to create rich learning experiences. Phillip Island allows opportunity for economical growth through a population increase on the Island. Phillip Island is located in an area in which biodiversity has the opportunity to flourish and provides many geographical features to observe. The Phillip Island Discovery ! Learning Intentions: 1. Phillip Island is rich in history and provides many opportunities for students to extensively research. 2. Local businesses and tourist attractions have a significant impact on how an area can grow economically. 3. Phillip island implements a number of sustainable processes to ensure for a sustainable future. 4. Mapping comes in many forms, provides us with directions and gives us a wholistic view of a particular place. 5. Local historical landmarks can be vital in contributing towards increased production and growth in Phillip Island. Skills Developed: Design/Construct a sustainable birdhouse that can be used in their community. Explain the importance of creating an economical community and how important growth is. Compare and contrast how Phillip Island has changed over time. Illustrate a variety of different mapping representations Navigate their way around the island, following directions and understanding mapping terms and language. Assessment Evidence: Formative Assessment : This will be based on the timeline that the students create. Assessing their competence in ordering events, creativity and finding relevant information. Peer & Self Assessment: When students participate in the creating of a rap lesson, they will be required to peer and self assess each other’s raps by completing a checklist or rubric. Formative Assessment : Teacher will assess the students on the type of business they create and how it will provide economical growth. Summative Assessment: This assessment will provide teachers with the knowledge of how much students have learnt and retained information from this unit.

Lesson 1 Learning Intention: Phillip Island is rich in history and provides many opportunities for students to extensively research. Activity: Teacher will lead a discussion on migration and question the students to find out what they know. In groups they will then create a poster answering key questions (see planner) on migrating to Australia. Resources: Migration prompting questions, poster paper Australian Curriculum: (ACHHK096) (ACHHS102 Lesson 2 Learning Intention: Phillip Island is rich in history and provides many opportunities for students to extensively research. Activity: As a class students will create a Venn diagram, comparing pictures of Phillip island in the past to Phillip Island now. Students will then research historical events on Phillip island and create an interactive timeline. Resources: Historical images, I-pads, computers Australian Curriculum: (ACHHK097) (ACHHS098) (ACHHS104) (ACHHS103) Assessment: Students will be assessed on their creativity and ability to order events. Lesson 3: Excursion Learning Intention: All learning intentions will be explored whilst on the excursion. Activity: Students will attend an excursion to Phillip Island where they will discover different humanities concepts. Students will use knowledge acquired from this excursion to prompt their learning for the following lessons. Resources: Pen, paper, maps Australian Curriculum: (ACHHK097)(ACHGK028) (ACHGS034) (ACHEK011) (ACHEK003) (OI.6) (OI.7) (OI.9 Lesson 4 Learning Intention: Phillip island implements a number of sustainable processes to ensure for a sustainable future. Activity: Students will use their prior knowledge of the sustainable bird huts on Phillip Island to design and create their own version or adaptation of a bird hut for their community. They will need to consider the size of the hut, the sustainable materials required and what sort of birds they are targeting. Resources: Recyclable materials, equipment for construction, design brief. Australian Curriculum: (OI.6) (OI.7) (OI.8) (OI.9) Lesson 5 Learning Intention: Phillip island implements a number of sustainable processes to ensure for a sustainable future. Activity: Teacher will facilitate a discussion about sustainable practices evident on Phillip Island. Then in small groups students are to create a song or rap discussing the issues and new ways to be sustainable on Phillip Island. Resources: Instruments, any props students want to use. Australian Curriculum: (OI.6) (OI.7) Assessment: Students will complete a peer and self assessment based on the concepts addressed in the song/rap. Lesson 6 Learning Intention: Mapping comes in many forms, provides us with directions and gives us a wholistic view of a particular place. Activity: Investigate a map of Australia with the students and locate where Phillip Island is situated using cardinal points. Students will then be broken up into small groups and each be given a different type of map to research and create. EG: weather map, road map Resources: Map of Australia, template maps of Phillip Island Australian Curriculum: (ACHGS034)(ACHGS035) (ACHGS036) Lesson 7 Learning Intention: Mapping comes in many forms, provides us with directions and gives us a wholistic view of a particular place. Activity: Students will create a 3D model of Phillip Island using clay. They may decorate it to represent different parts of the map. Students will then write a persuasive piece discussing where the most ideal location for a new resort on the island will be. Resources: Clay, contour map for modeling the island. Australian Curriculum: (ACHGK028)(ACHGS036) Lesson 8 Learning Intention: Local businesses and tourist attractions have a significant impact on how an area can grow economically. Activity: Teacher will show the Tourism Victoria video and discuss with students what they saw and how it contributes to economical growth. In groups, students will then be required to create a business on Phillip Island and then create a role play that highlights the positives and negatives of a new business. Resources: ‘Visit Melbourne’ video Australian Curriculum: (ACHEK011)(ACHES015) Assessment: Teacher will assess the students on the type of business they create and how it will provide economical growth. Lesson 9 Learning Intention: Local historical landmarks can be vital in contributing towards increased production and growth in Phillip Island. Activity: Discuss with students the significance of the Phillip Island bridge and how they think it has contributed to the growth of the island (imports and exports). Then in small groups students will have the opportunity to design and create a bridge using materials of their choice from the classroom resources. Resources : Images of the bridge, materials for building Australian Curriculum: (ACHEK003) (ACHES015) (ACHES016) Lesson 10 Learning Intention: To demonstrate their understanding of humanities perspectives learnt throughout this unit. Activity: In pairs, students are to do a project based on what they have learnt throughout the unit. They can decide how they would like to present their information. For example: an interview, news report, poster, Prezi, website. Resources: Any resources the students need to complete their project. Australian Curriculum: Will differ for each pair as they can decide what they would like to show. Assessment: This project will provide teachers with the knowledge of how much students have learn from this unit. Lesson Sequences