Five-Slide Presentation Instructions Address the points in the following slides (to the best of your ability) in order to solicit feedback for potential prototype improvements from fellow Institute participants. Feel free to embellish the slides. Complete an initial presentation regarding your proposed prototype and submit it to justin- by 3:45 pm (or earlier). Be prepare to give a three-minute “pitch” regarding your idea to the Institute during “Round One Institute Feedback” from 4:00-5:30 pm.
Name of Prototype Prototype Design Team Members: who, who, who, who, who, who, who and who Champion: Who is the Champion? Administrative Facilitator: Who is the Administrative Facilitator?
Value Proposition You must add value to something. What is the “pain” (problem) solved or “gain” (need) provided by your product or service? What product or services are you delivering? How does this solve a problem or fill a need for a customer? We help “X” do “Y” by doing “Z” How is the performance of your product or service different from current offerings? How does the value proposition differ for different customers?
Customer Segments You exist for your customers! Understand your customer. Learn everything about them. Who are they? Why would they buy? What value are you creating for them? A business model may have several customers Understand what differentiates these customers. How do you add value to each segment? Which segments are most important to you?
Key Partners Who are your strategic alliances? Who are your key partners and suppliers? What value does(do) the partner(s) add? What do you add back to the partner/why would they engage? What activities are they going to perform and when? What is the ‘cost’ of this partnership? Motivation for partnership: optimization & economies of scale, reduction of risk & uncertainty, acquisition of resources or activities What is the structure of the partnership? Types of partnership: 1.Strategic alliance: alliances between non-competitors 2.Coopetition: cooperation between competitors 3.Joint ventures: to develop new business 4.Buyer-supplier: assure reliable supplies
Revenue Streams How do you make money? What value is the customer paying for? What is the strategy to capture this value? Ways to generate revenue streams: Asset sale, usage fee, subscription fee, lending/renting/leasing, licensing, brokerage fees, advertising, service fees Do these align with the true value of your product? Fixed Menu Pricing (predefined) vs. Dynamic Pricing (market conditions) Cost Structure What does your business cost to run? What are the costs and expenses to operate? What are the most important costs? The most expensive? What key activities are the most expensive? Do you know your ‘accounting’ costs? Fixed costs? Variable costs? Economies of scale? Cost driven vs. value driven business models Financial Model *Attempt to address at least one item from each of these columns for the first round of feedback. Make note of areas of difficulty in order to solicit the most help possible during subsequent development stages.