CGMS-40, Lugano, 5 – 9 November 2012 Toward deriving consistent volcanic ash products from geostationary satellites: Proposal for discussion in WG-II at CGMS-40 Slide: 1 J. Schmetz, EUMETSAT T. Kurino, JMA
CGMS-40, Lugano, 5 – 9 November 2012 Background: Major volcanic eruptions in recent years (e.g. Icelandic volcanoes) have re-inforced the interest in monitoring volcanic ash clouds Volcanic ash can be monitored from satellite and various methods exist: RGB products (e.g. from the SEVIRI on Meteosat 2 nd Generation satellites) or more quantitative retrievals EUMETSAT has procured through a study a simple ‘two-channel algorithm’ for quantitative applications (method by Dr F. Prata) Slide: 2
CGMS-40, Lugano, 5 – 9 November 2012 Basic Idea: All satellite operators of geostationary satellites should derive quantitative estimates/products of volcanic ash in a consistent way for distribution to users (e.g. VAACs) The consistent products would benefit VAACs because interpretation, use of the product and the feedback to the product providers would be on a common ground The existing ‘two-channel algorithm’ for quantitative applications (method by Dr F. Prata) could be used with all current geostationary satellites because they all have the necessary ‘split-window’ observations Slide: 3
CGMS-40, Lugano, 5 – 9 November 2012 Support acquired so far: JMA would be very interested to implement in their operational ground segment for MTSAT the same algorithm as EUM ICAO (Mr. Greg Brock, Chief of Meteorology, Air Navigation Bureau) has expressed support to this activity WMO (Mr. J. Lafeuille, Space Programme and Dr Herbert Puempel, Chief of Aeronautical Meteorology Division) have expressed support to this activity EUMETSAT is ready to share the existing science prototype software with JMA with reference to Recommendation from CGMS-37: On the basis of existing scientific prototype software for product retrievals, NOAA and EUMETSAT offer to other satellite operators existing prototype algorithm software for testing and further development. Slide: 4
CGMS-40, Lugano, 5 – 9 November 2012 Future perspective: In the future prospects are excellent for more advanced consistent volcanic ash products from the future multi-channel imagers in the geostationary ring Advanced scientific prototype software exploiting multi-channel imaging data does exist already (e.g. at NOAA for GOES-R) Advanced product demonstration has been done on the basis of the data from MSG (Meteosat) data Slide: 5
CGMS-40, Lugano, 5 – 9 November 2012 Proposal: CGMS to request EUMETSAT and JMA to report at CGMS-41 on their development toward consistent volcanic ash products from Meteosat and MTSAT, respectively. CGMS to invite the lead scientist for the above mentioned volcanic ash product (Dr. Fred Prata) to make a pertinent presentation on science and application at CGMS-41. CGMS to recommend to all satellite operators to express their interest in implementing consistent volcanic ash products. CGMS to ask WMO and ICAO to coordinate and formulate a response and to explore further steps to be undertaken with the VAACs. Slide: 6