Thermal Energy Project Use What You Know.
Engineers do what?????????????
Infer: How do engineers work? NoticingWondering
Questioning: How do engineers work? What do they NOT DO??? What do they DO??? D.I. Infer
Communication Sheets: reflect/respond/share! Homework – Be curious and observe!! thermal energy “stuff” Look at all the stuff in your home that deals with keeping thermal energy in, or keeping it out? What kind of “stuff” is it???? Find the “heat” in your life.. ;) notice when you are working with it.
Engineers Engineers … who will write on the board for me? Solve problems Make stuff work “better” Make things more efficient, Make things use less energy or, Make things cost less money Make things more desirable to the public ( increase the demand)
So bring it outside the classroom Discovering solutions…………….. Making things happen
BEST device STARBUCKS coffee Inc., needs your help, HEINE BROTHERS is kicking their booties in peripheral sales (other stuff besides coffee) they want someone to design the BEST device to keep “hot things hot and cold things cold” to date! You and your design team need to come up with a plan, a design, supporting data, and a ‘pitch’ to sell your idea to Starbucks.
Apply scientific principles to design, construct and test a device that either minimizes or maximizes thermal energy transfer. Determining Importance: Focus on how these processes are things to consider in the real world. How does this connect to our Energy unit? Thermal Energy is: Total kinetic energy of the particles in a substance. Heat is: When thermal energy is transferred from hot things to cooler things. Thermal Energy is transferred by Conduction, Convection and radiation. Which means…. Conduction moves heat when objects touch, convection occurs in fluids where a heat source is present. radiation is energy emitted in waves from an object. Some materials are conductors which means…. They allow energy to travel through them easily. Metals are great conductors. Others? Some materials are insulators which means…. They do NOT allow energy to flow through them easily. Plastics and rubber are good insulators. Others? How might you use this information as you work through your design and build your prototype? Thermal Equilibrium is when… Thermal energy is transferred throughout a system until all substances in the system share the same amount of thermal energy. This always happens in the direction of warmer things to cooler things.
What is going to be the absolute best device? What is going to be marketable. What is feasible? Make Observations/take notes/ pass to next table Record your ideas in your Journal. Let me show you: These are the pros’ of this design/ These are the cons’ to this design/ Identify the problems This slide is static and does not animate.
What “science” do we know that is going to help us answer these questions? Focus: What is our task? What do we have to solve? Group Discussion: In your expert group, you are going to make sure everyone understands the goal. Then whole group discussion. HAND OUT PROJECT DETAILS Read over the instructions by yourself. Annotate the text. Make sure to Monitor for Meaning? What are we going to be doing? Ask Questions: What do you know that will help you solve this problem? What do you need to know to help you solve this problem? Do you need help understanding our goals? This slide is static and does not animate.
Communication Sheets Homework – Ask all the coffee and Frappuccino connoisseurs what WOULD make their hearts happy in the way of the best device for their drinks? BTW… That’s data! Record some of their thoughts!!
All ideas on the table! Everybody comes up with an idea. Everybody shares! All ideas on the table: Everyone comes up with an idea. Sketch it, label it include the science behind what we are trying to do. The animation automatically begins.
Your text goes here. Idea clouds animated What is your plan? _________________________ _________________________. Pros of Each Design Things that are good? Ease of use, cost to make, desirability. Cons: Not criticisms. Just challenges. Feasibility? Your text goes here. Your text goes here. Your text goes here. The animation automatically begins.
There are so many things to consider when engineering, all of this and more Please consider the following: How are you building?? What is it going to be made our of? Shape? Design? Durability? Reasons for all of the above??? How are you testing? What exactly are you hoping for in your experiments? What are your methods? What materials are you going to need? How are you going to organize your data? How are you managing thermal energy transfer? What processes are you manipulating (using or changing) to keep hot things hot and cold things cold? How are you using it? Are you using convection? How? Conduction? How? Radiation? How? What is it made of? Conductors? Insulators? Where are you going to get your stuff? Whose bringing what??