How mist spray and fertilizer affect Tagetes erecta growth? Daniel Kemp Secondary Education/Science-Biology Tennessee Tech University Cookeville, TN
Project Summary Does fertilizing marigolds make them grow more? Does watering differently effect them
Background Fertilizers do help marigolds grow Does it make a difference in how you water them? Pouring water Misting water
Objective Does mist spray and fertilizer have an effect on marigold growth? Marigolds will grow better with mist spray and fertilizer It makes no difference how you water the marigolds or if you fertilize them
Methods and Material Have four different pots of marigolds Fertilize two of them Water two of them by mist spray and two of them by pouring water
Expected Results The marigolds I fertilized and watered with mist spray should be larger than the ones that were not fertilized and not mist sprayed.
Projected Timeline Should take about 6 weeks to see some results
Budget Marigolds $1 Pots $1 Fertilizer $10