Webquest Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher’s Page By Alycia Castrogiovanni Dana Shabo Allison Kutz
Introduction This unit introduces children to the idea of plants as living things which grow and change. The students will be paired up and one person works on the flower pot that goes in the dark, while the other student works on the flower pot that goes in the sunlight.living The children will be answering a few fill in the blanks a few basic questions about plants before they begin the actual project.fill in the blanks The students will answer these prediction questions in their journals: Can plants grow without sunlight? Do all plants have to grow outdoors? Can plants grow without soil? What are the four parts of a plant?parts Once they have completed the questions and we have gone over them, they will have the chance to grow their own plant as a whole class, following specific instructions.
Task Each pair will grow 2 flowers be able identify the different part of their flower.flowers The students will also observe each stage in the Life CycleLife Cycle The students will also compare a flower that was exposed to sunlight and one that was not exposed to sunlight.
Process Materials you will need include: seeds, water, sun light, potting soil, dark cupboard, two small flower pots. Here are each of the steps to growing your own flower: 1. Take the two flower pots and fill them with the potting soil - leaving about an inch from the top of the pots unfilled. 2. Make a hole in the center of the potting soil with your thumb (this is where you will place the seeds) in both pots. 3. Drop a few seeds in the hole in each pot and cover the hole with the soil. 4. Water one of the flower pots with some water (careful not to over water) and place this flower pot in a warm sunny spot. 5. Do not water the second flower pot and place it in a cool dark cupboard. 6. Leave the flower pots for a few days and watch to see what happens to both pots.
Evaluation After the flower has completely grown, the children will answer these questions in their journals and they can compare the final with their predictionsfinal What does closing the blinds and removing the sunlight do? What happens if you forget to water the plant or if you add too much water? What happens if the conditions become too hot or too cold? What happened to the flower that was in the warm and sunny spot? What happened to the flower that was placed in the dark cupboard?
Conclusion In conclusion, if a plant does not get enough light or water, then the plant will not grow. Here is a fun website where you can grow your own virtual flower. See if you can keep our flower growing!
Teacher’s Page Grade level: 3 rd grade Objectives: With this assignment, the student will be able to be able to make predictions in a journal, answer questions from a website, complete fill in the blank worksheets, work together in a group, and be able to follow directions. Standards: SPI : Plant Parts-Identify parts of a plant and describe their functions. Rubric