1 Development of the Network RUMI WP TEMPUS BE-TEMPUS-SMHES Kick-off meeting – Tétouan, January 2014 Eva Reina, UNICA Project Manager
2 Objectives Drawing on successful experiences and capitalising on best practices to institutionalise RUMI. Implementing inclusive dynamics in Moroccan universities, coordinating actions, and sharing efforts. Federating a maximum number of Moroccan universities and stakeholders. Acting as representative or interface for mediation between universities, ministries, and other stakeholders.
3 Deliverables
4 5/7/ Training on university networks Objectives: Initiating future members of IDMAJE in institutional networking techniques to benefit from synergies and inter-institutional cooperation; Informing about the missions and objectives of university networks as they operate in Europe; Shedding light on good practices of international networks and the way the function.
5 Date: 5/11/ Mission, role and statute of the Network "RUMI" The Mission of RUMI will be part of the strategy for inclusion, and will be supported by a spirit of tolerance, diversity and equal opportunities; The Role of RUMI will be to make inclusive education a shared value among all Moroccan universities; The Statute of RUMI will be inspired by statutes successfully applied in Europe.
6 Date: 5/2/ Formal creation of the network Objectives: Insitutionalising RUMI from the legal point of view, vis-à-vis university presidents and ministries, and as entity coordinating actions on inclusion among Moroccan universities; Extending the actions of RUMI to involve more peripheral universities and those more exposed to the problems linked to inequality; Making inclusion a lever for the modernisation of higher education in Morocco.
7 Date: 5/11/ Technical Committee "IDMAJE" IDMAJE will implement a Strategy for Inclusion, Dissemination, Mobilization and Support for Young Moroccan Students. The role of IDMAJE (Inclusion Arabic) will act as steering committee and executing body of RUMI. One member from each partner Moroccan university with the support of the ministries. Its precise role will be defined in the statute (2.2).
8 Date: 5/11/ Guide of good practices: University networks Objectives: Build on the rich European experience in academic networking; Develop approaches and tools to help implement the RUMI, its committee IDMAJE, and its mission and operating strategy; Ensure the adherence to RUMI of a maximum number of Moroccan universities and stakeholders.
9 شكرا جزيلا !