The call will begin shortly. Please join the conference call and mute your phone to cut down on background noise. Spring public awareness campaign Introductions 2013 “Love. Talk. Play.” strategy Spring campaign o Proposed activities o How to get involved Discussion A GENDA Engage and focus on o Teen parents o Partners at all levels Conduct spring campaign push Develop materials with I-LABS Connect to RTT-ELC via Early Achievers and EL Guidelines Continue to connect to Advancing Racial Equity work Develop business plan – expansion and sustainability “L OVE. T ALK. P LAY.” 2013 S PRING C AMPAIGN G ENERAL A WARENESS P USH Goals Generate public awareness of campaign and the important role parents play in the first few years of life Help local partners get the message “into the drinking water” Audiences Parents of children birth to age 3 Parent educators and child care providers Timeline Start with the National Week of the Young Child (April 14-20) Run through Father’s Day (June 16) S PRING C AMPAIGN : P ROPOSED A CTIVITIES Paid media: Buy targeted print, radio, TV and online media and maximize existing PSA (English and Spanish) o Connect with ethnic media o Identify familiar faces in local communities to serve as media spokespeople o Parent Map Partnerships: Ask state and local partners to support the push through their online, newsletter and engagement opportunities Earned media: Work with local media and early learning regional coalitions to tell the story of the significant impact parents have on their children’s development and how the “Love. Talk. Play.” campaign is supporting parents Social media: Hold online contest during Week of the Young Child to help generate more followers S PRING C AMPAIGN : E ARNED M EDIA Pitch stories throughout the media markets that cover the 10 Early Learning Regional Coalitions two weeks prior to launch for placement to start April 14. Populate the story bank by mapping partner stories, news and activities with media outlets. Create tailored pitches per partner and appropriate reporters/outlets. Include spokespeople, necessary visuals and additional assets. Find authors, pitch and finalize three op/eds for three key markets statewide. Create social and digital media content to correspond with launch – tips, tweets, and published stories, etc. D ISCUSSION Can you envision these activities reaching the partners, parents and caregivers you know and serve? Is there anything you’re already doing that the campaign could support with campaign materials? How can your coalition can support this effort?
Thank you! Spring public awareness campaign