EIRA/CarTool EE pilot Follow-up call ISA Programme Action 2.1 & January Follow-up call 28 January 2015
Follow-up call 28 January 2015 ItemTopic 1.Pilot: specific plan 2.Design a solution architecture template for the self-service portal eesti.ee 3.Document the solution self-service portal eesti.ee
Follow-up call 28 January 2015 EIRA/CarTool EE pilot 1. Pilot: specific plan ISA Programme Action 2.1 & January 23015
Context: lack of uniformity 4 In Estonia, a lack of uniformity and usability continues to be a serious barrier for e-service adoption. To alleviate this, a number of studies have been conducted to identify key functional building blocks of a self-service portal. The deliverables are documents containing textual description of key elements of the portals as well as wireframe prototypes. While useful, these documents have a number of shortcomings: They are hard to develop in terms of adding new building blocks or adding new ones; It is often not possible for a developer to identify interdependencies of building blocks and design a suitable collection for a particular task; and The document is difficult to link to technical activities such as actual software development, re-use etc. 01 Pilot: specific plan
Needs 5 In the context of this pilot, following goals are set: Validate existing work against the EIRA to identify if the EIRA could be used as a framework for future work in the field Use the CarTool to document the building blocks identified Determine if the CarTool can be used as a re-use driver linking implementations to building blocks, driving non-functional requirements, documenting APIs etc. Determine if the CarTool can be used to document central functionality provided by the central government portal eesti.ee Determine if the CarTool can be used to design new self-service portals based on building blocks provided by eesti.ee and resulting from the studies. 01 Pilot: specific plan
Solution: design solution architecture template 6 The desired needs will be implemented through the following use-cases: Document the interoperability solutions: Document the solution self-service portal eesti.ee. Design a solution architecture (template): Select and create a solution architecture template for the self-service portal eesti.ee. 01 Pilot: specific plan The pilot is expected to result into the following outcome: Views (diagrams) and list of building blocks to visualise and define the governmental self-service portal based on eesti.ee Documentation of the self-service portal in the CarTool Feedback on the EIRA and CarTool Evaluation of the pilot.
Pilot: Specific plan 7 01 Pilot: specific plan OwnerTask or milestone Target date JanuaryFebruaryMarchApril Use case : Design Solution Architecture template for governmental self-service portals and Document Interoperability Solutions EC Work-session self-service portal SAT (visual, spreadsheet) provided EEPresentation of EIRA to Architecture council EEFirst draft of self-service portal SAT 30.1 EE Self-service portal documented in the CarTool using the data template excel file 12.2 EEFinal self-service portal SAT Provide support on the use of EIRA and CarTool EC/EEStatus update conference call for the CarTool/EIRA 28.1 EC/EEStatus update conference call for the EIRA 30.4 EEKick-off workshop 14 & 15.1 EC/EECarTool workshop 12.2 Provide feedback on the EIRA and the CarTool EEPilot evaluation survey 30.4 EEPresentation at ISA Coordination group TBC
Pilot: Communication plan 8 01 Pilot: specific plan Main contact person: Andress Kütt SPOC EIRA: Zakaria Arrassi SPOC CarTool: Costas Simatos Privately archived mailing list: Joinup issue tracker: (only for issues relevant to the general public)
EIRA/CarTool EE pilot 2. Design a solution architecture template for the self-service portal eesti.ee ISA Programme Action 2.1 & January Follow-up call 28 January 2015
EIRA/CarTool EE pilot 3. Document the solution self- service portal eesti.ee ISA Programme Action 2.1 & January Follow-up call 28 January 2015
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Click to edit Master title style 13 This presentation was prepared for the ISA programme of the European Commission by PwC EU Services. The views expressed in this report are purely those of the authors and may not, in any circumstances, be interpreted as stating an official position of the European Commission. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information included in this study, nor does it accept any responsibility for any use thereof. Reference herein to any specific products, specifications, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by the European Commission. All care has been taken by the author to ensure that s/he has obtained, where necessary, permission to use any parts of manuscripts including illustrations, maps, and graphs, on which intellectual property rights already exist from the titular holder(s) of such rights or from her/his or their legal representative.