New Graduate Student Conference: Title IX and YOU April-Autumn Jenkins Program Coordinator CLEAR- Consensual Language, Education, Awareness & Relationships Offices of the Dean of Student Life
What is Title IX? Seeks to protect any person from sex-based discrimination. All students have the right to learn in a healthy environment, free from discrimination, harassment, and violence. Requires schools to provide male and female students with equal opportunities and to protect students from sex-based harassment from administration, faculty, staff, other students, and school visitors. Title IX is about both equality and protection.
Texas A&M University “Texas A&M University strives to maintain a work and educational environment free from discrimination, sexual harassment, and related retaliation in accordance with applicable federal and State laws.” – Student Rule 47
Thoughts on Language Date Rate/Acquaintance Rape Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Sexual AssaultSexual Violation Rape Exposure Sexual Harassment Sexual Violence Voyeurism Sexual Exploitation Unwanted touching
Title IX Issues Sexual Harassment Sexual Assault Dating Violence Domestic Violence Stalking Related Retaliation
Sexual misconduct Sexual Abuse: Penetration without consent Sexual Contact: Other forms of sexual contact without consent (ex – touching, fondling) Consent must be and clear and positive affirmation (ex – enthusiastic verbal yes)Consent –Silence ≠ Yes –Absence of no ≠ Yes –Reluctant, hesitant, or fearful yes ≠ Yes –Incapacitation (drugs, alcohol, sleep-deprivation, mental health) ≠ Yes –No = No (don’t ask again)
Title XI 101 Educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance are governed by Title IX. The US Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is in charge of enforcing Title IX. A victim, witness, or third party can file a complaint.
Title IX, VAWA & Campus SaVE Report incidents of sexual harassment/violence prevent sexual assault and dating violence on campuses respond immediately and appropriately protect the complainant and respondent as necessary establish grievance procedures
Where to report For complaints against students: Dr. Anne Reber Dean of Student Life For complaints against faculty: Dr. Blanca Lupiani Associate Dean of Faculties For complaints against staff/third parties: Janelle Ramirez Interim Associate VP - Human Resources
TAMU’s Role Core Values: Respect Integrity Selfless Service Loyalty Excellence Leadership Educate Aggies - sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. Provide Aggies – response, resources and options Help Aggies - willing to assist those who may be afraid
Bystander intervention asks everyone in the community to take responsibility for stopping potentially violent situations from escalating.
Bystander Intervention 4 D’s: Direct Distract Delegate Delay
Aggies Take Care of Aggies Say something. Lend a listening ear. Campus & community resources. Don’t judge. Validate feelings. Focus on his/her strengths. Find your own support.
Campus Resources University PD Emergency-Campus Phone Cell Phone 911 Non-Emergency Student Conduct Office Student Health Services Dean of Student Life Student Assistance Services
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