CALESCITE! Conjugate “mone ō, mon ē re, monu ī, monitum” in the Imperfect Active Subjunctive.
Active Subjunctive Imperfect Ex: mone ō, mon ē re, monu ī, monitum singularplural 1 st mon ē remmon ē remus 2 nd mon ē resmon ē retis 3 rd mon ē retmon ē rent
“Quintus consilium capit” i.e. the one where Quintus finally stops talking long enough to do something, sorta Translate lines 1 – 14 Underline OR Highlight (in Anglice) all Cum Circumstantial Clauses “cum” + subjunctive = “when” Answer questions #1 - 4
Work in Groups of Three
CALESCITE! Conjugate “mone ō, mon ē re, monu ī, monitum” in the Pluperfect Active Subjunctive.
Active Subjunctive Pluperfect Ex: mone ō, mon ē re, monu ī, monitum singularplural 1 st monuissem monuiss ē mus 2 nd monuiss ē smonuiss ē tis 3 rd monuissetmonuissent
“Quintus consilium capit” i.e. the one where Quintus finally stops talking long enough to do something, sorta Translate lines 15 – 27 Underline OR Highlight (in Anglice) all Cum Circumstantial Clauses “cum” + subjunctive = “when” Answer questions #5 - 7
CALESCITE Answer: What is the difference between Indicative and Subjunctive Moods? How do we form & translate the Imperfect and Pluperfect Subjunctives?
“Quintus consilium capit” i.e. the one where Quintus finally stops talking long enough to do something, sorta Translate lines 28 – end Underline OR Highlight (in Anglice) all Cum Circumstantial Clauses “cum” + subjunctive = “when” Answer questions #8 - 10
Find the four Cum Circumstantial Clauses in “Salvius consilium cognoscit” on pg. 71 ONLY You don’t have to write the sentences, just make a note of the line #s
Discuss: Summary? Questions about Questions? 3 “Cum Circumstantial Clauses”? Turn ‘em in!
Translate ½ of story Create 3 pictures/captions Pair up with a partner!
Translate final ½ of story Create 3 pictures/captions Storyboard (6 completed pictures & captions)