Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011All rights reserved.


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Presentation transcript:

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011All rights reserved The Global Environmental Crisis CHAPTER 1 Environmental Studies, 2e

© Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Chapter Objectives After studying this chapter, the reader should be able to: Appreciate the fact that the world is facing an environmental crisis Describe the global environmental crisis through examples and statistics Describe exponential growth, the spikes and their implications Trace the origins of the environmental crisis to the Idea of Progress and the change in our attitude towards nature

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Chapter Objectives (Contd) Explain the concept of ecological footprint Recall the major international agreements on environment Define terms like environment, ecology, and environmental studies Appreciate the interdisciplinary nature of environmental studies.

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved The Story of Kalahandi Kalahandi District in Orissa some decades ago: Full of forests 1000s of water sources controlled by community Abundant diversity of crops Kalahandi today: Extreme poverty and deprivation Often drought and famine Reasons for decline: Forests cut down Water sources taken over by govt., but not maintained Focus on large irrigation projects

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved The story of Kalahandi: From forests to famine

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved State of the Planet: Sources of Reports United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Worldwatch Institute, US WWF-World Wide Fund for Nature Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), New Delhi

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Global Environmental Crisis Population Water and sanitation Biodiversity Forests Land Pollution Coastal zone and the ocean Natural disasters Energy, global warming, climate change Urbanization

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Pollution

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved More than 60,000 Indian villages lack sources of drinking water

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Global warming: Melting glacier

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved We can make some simple substitutions Replacing just 1 incandescent light bulb with 1 compact florescent bulb saves about 150 pounds of carbon dioxide per year! If every American household replaced just 5 high-use incandescent bulbs with compact florescent lights we'd collectively save more than $8 billion each year in energy costs and we would prevent the greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions from nearly 10 million cars. Source:

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Small changes really add up Replace your old refrigerator with a new Energy Star: Annual savings: $90; 700 pounds CO 2 Set your thermostat down a few degrees in the winter Annual savings: $135; 1400 pounds CO 2 Wash clothes in cold water only Annual savings: $70; 500 pounds CO 2 Drive JUST 10 fewer miles per week Annual savings: $80; 520 pounds CO 2 Reduce your garbage by 10% through greater recycling or reduced packaging Annual savings: 1200 pounds CO 2 Caulk and weather-strip around doors and windows Annual savings: $80; 650 pounds CO 2 * These are mid-range estimates from published sources; your savings may vary.

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Our take-home message… Each of us must take steps to protect our Earth's climate.

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Urbanisation

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Our Unsustainable Way of Living We are consuming natural resources at a rate much higher than that at which nature can regenerate them. We are creating waste and pollution much faster than the rate at which nature can absorb them. This unsustainable way of living can only lead to an environmental and social catastrophe.

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Exponential Growth and the Spikes Figure 1.1: Curve showing exponential growth

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Human population (Figure 1.2)

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Consumption of goods and services (Figure 1.3)

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere (Figure 1.4)

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Biological species becoming extinct every year (Figure 1.5)

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Reasons for the Spikes Scientific and Industrial Revolutions Idea of Progress ‘Man is the supreme species.’ ‘We can exploit nature endlessly.’

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Ecological Footprint Area required to sustain indefinitely a person, a city, a country, etc. Accounts for the energy, food, water, and materials that are consumed and the wastes created. Humanity’s Footprint is now more than 1.4. That is, we require 40% more than the earth’s area to sustain our consumption! This Footprint is also increasing steadily.

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Sustainable Development Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Related, interdisciplinary subjects Environmental Studies Environmental Science Ecology

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Keywords & Phrases of Chap. 1 Ecological Footprint ecology environment environmental studies exponential growth Idea of Progress sustainable development

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Key Points of Chap. 1 The world is facing a global environmental crisis. We are consuming natural resources at an ever- increasing rate. We are also greatly polluting the world. Our unsustainable way of living can only lead to a catastrophe. The environmental crisis is a consequence of: the Idea of Progress. our attitude of domination and exploitation of nature

Environmental Studies, 2e © Oxford University Press 2011 All rights reserved Key Points of Chap. 1 (Contd) Many phenomena have been growing exponentially. Ecological Footprint expresses the area needed to sustain the lifestyle of an entity. We now require 40% more than the earth’s area to sustain our consumption. There are complex interconnections in nature. Implementation of international agreements over environment has been poor.