Goals for Today  Identify what a Technical Element is.  Show what Teams can use.  Define what Appraisers need to be trained to look for!


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Presentation transcript:

Goals for Today  Identify what a Technical Element is.  Show what Teams can use.  Define what Appraisers need to be trained to look for!


ABOUT FIFTEEN MINUTES!!!!!! ~ 2 minutes in the Launch 8 minute performance time & MOST IMPORTANT ~5 minutes after the performance

WHY ? ? ? ? ? More Later but just a sample from past Challenges: A Change in Direction47% of points AFTER ViDIo Adventure18% of points AFTER DIzzy Derby20% of points AFTER Sudden SerenDIpity22% of points AFTER DestiNations in Time40% of points AFTER Back At You!38% of points AFTER Kidz Rulz 25% of points AFTER These Points are All Technical!!

What is a Technical Element?? Refers to use of principles from scientific fields. A machine or device that uses Technical Methods to perform a Task. Non Manual, Less direct team member involvement results in higher scores

Types of Technical Elements Simple Machine - lever, spring, wedge, pulley, wheel & axle, gear, crank, inclined plane Electrical & Electronic - wiring, sensors, circuit boards, basic stamp, computers

Pneumatic - Air power, compressed air Hydraulic - Water, oil, cylinders Types of Technical Elements (cont.)

Mechanical - Complex machines, motors, Rube Goldberg devices Types of Technical Elements (cont.)

Aeronautic - flight, lift, aerodynamics GUESS WHAT “DIrect Flight” DEALS WITH for ? Types of Technical Elements (cont.)

Chemical - Reactions for color, heat, pressure Types of Technical Elements (cont.)

What should teams use to make Technical Elements??

JUNK PARTS!!!! Motors (weed eaters, appliances, fans, CD players, tools) Gears (bicycles, tools) Pulleys (drapes, sliding doors, garage doors, lawnmowers) Belts/Chains (cars, appliances, bicycles) Wheels (toys, lawnmowers, bicycles, tools)

Store Bought Kits ! Technix, Legos, Inventor’s Workshop, Tamiya, Newton’s Apple, Robosapien, Sumobot, & Lots More Use them for reference and use the parts NOT the designs or plans! Innovation is Creative Use of materials in a new and unusual way OR new and creative concepts!!

Train Appraisers to Recognize and Reward Innovation It is not always fancy It does not come from a kit It is not an off the shelf item It requires application of knowledge It requires that they go beyond the commonplace It requires that they KNOW the application

REMOTE CONTROL CARS!!!! AAAAAAUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Innovation is NOT Sold at WalMart!

POWER TOOLS!!! Use them to Construct with Use them for Parts Use them as a Power Source drills, leaf blowers, shop vacuums, saws Watch for ways to power specific motions # Circular Motion - drills and saws #Back and Forth - reciprocating saws #Varied Speeds - drills #Forward and Reverse - drills and screw guns Don’t Forget ‘One Day Rental Cost’!!!!

PCs and Laptops - used to control activities are cost exempt as available school materials Basic Stamp - programmable computer controllers are not exempt from cost but provide a sophisticated alternative control mechanism. Circuit boards, sensors, wiring, switches, Etc. - not exempt from cost but provide methods for technical solutions. Electronics and Computers!!!!

How Do Teams Work Technical Devices Into The Performance!!!! (Always a good idea - EVEN if there are no points for integration into the skit) Make the Technical Device a Character Make it the focus of the Performance Make it a part of the backdrops Make it a prop during the Performance Work your Theme around it

How Do We Help the TEAMS? For the Teams to SUCCEED…… We MUST train the Appraisers!

* Technical * Challenges * * are * Different! * There are 2 type Appraisers So Be Prepared!

Heads Down Appraisers!! Technical Requirements in a Challenge often require a specific Task be performed. Appraisers assigned to watch these elements during the performance are Heads Down Appraisers Points are determined by: Did it Happen - YES or NO

Heads UP Appraisers!! These are the other Appraisers. All of the theatrical portions, Side Trips, Appearance, and Integration of Technical Elements are scored by these Appraisers. They are watching the whole show not did the Task complete or not.

What Do Appraisers Look For? Did the team BUY a solution? Did the Team Members build it? Who came up with the idea? Is it an original idea? Is it creative? Did the team optimize on Materials? What kind of research went into the Solution? How does it work? Is it simple or complex? Did the team learn anything? Is it something that anyone could have done? Does it have the DI impact?

Train Appraisers About Technical Design Functional – performs the task Effective – Starts and works every time Efficient – Very little wasted effort Reliable – Works over and over and over Nothing Said about Pretty! That’s Construction or Decoration!

Now Back to that ~5 Minutes AFTER the Performance & How To Earn Those Points

What is going ON?

Are They Really That Interested ?

Are The Really That Interested? Teams can’t stop Performing at 8 minutes. The question and answer session is SO important that they must to be prepared!! It will not work if it is scripted! The Team must KNOW their Technical Device!!!

How to Maximize Score? Tell the Appraisers how it works and WHY! Explain the ‘Scientific Process’ involved Tell them what DID NOT work. Tell them why you changed a design. Tell them how you tested the design. Answer questions honestly Give Credit where it is due!

How to Maximize the Score? (cont.) Don’t say, “We all did it” unless it is 100% true and then elaborate! Show them AGAIN if there’s time, reliability counts/seeing is believing. Show them what you did If someone else knows an area better, get them to answer the question.

Most Important!!!! Appraisers do not know what you think is the most important or creative part of your device. Don’t stop without telling them!!!

We should Always Train Appraisers to Ask, “ What is the Most Important/Best Part of your solution?” You Might Find a Real GEM!