Travel & Tourism Standard 1 Objective 3
Time Line of Travel Create a time line how the travel industry has evolved over time using information you researched and information discussed in this PowerPoint.
Early Hospitality Taverns were perhaps the first establishments to offer hospitality. These properties were first found in Greece and Rome By the end of the 13th century, the horse-drawn coach, carrying travelers on main roads, led to the developments of inns.
Signs of Hospitality Some early inns were named and identified by easily recognized symbols. These were later replaced with coats of arms to signify the territories of noble families. Examples of some names of inns were: White Swan, Black Bear, Green Dragon
Pineapple Symbol The image of the pineapple is another sign of hospitality. It has a rich and romantic heritage as a symbol of welcome, friendship, and hospitality Grown and cultivated in Europe during the 17th century, the pineapple became the favorite fruit of royalty. Today the pineapple is the international symbol of hospitality.
Hospitality in the 1700’s The concept of a formal restaurant began in Europe. By the French Revolution in the late 1700s, many chefs of the French nobility were settling throughout Europe. Some ventured as far as America, taking with them their tradition of fine cuisine.
Hospitality in the 1800s Numerous fine eating-and-drinking establishments were operating globally. However, the development of civilized sleeping accommodations was just beginning. Pioneers such as Cesar Ritz and Conrad Hilton rushed to create the luxury accommodations that are associated with their names today.
Ancient Travel Earliest travelers may have been migrating nomads seeking shelter from predators, or they may have been searching for food. 3000 B.C. travel was revolutionized by the invention of the wheel. About 1,000 years later, the Egyptians further advanced travel by building water vessels.
Tourism in the 5th Century Tourism really began as an outgrowth of travel during the Greek and Roman Empires. Local residents of an area would offer their services as guides to wealthy travelers.
Tourism in the Renaissance During the Renaissance period of the 14th , 15th, and 16th centuries, innovative ocean exploration took place. Marco Polo, Columbus, Magellan, and Cook became synonymous with global exploration. On land the grand tour became popular for the aristocracy. This was a 2 to 5 year travel experience for the sons of the wealthy to study language, culture, and history to complete their formal education.
Tourism in the 1800s -1900s During the 1800’s in the United States and Europe, the Industrial Revolution of the 1700s had changed the face of travel forever. Rail service enabled tourists to journey by train across countries and continents. In the 1900s, mass production of automobile and the construction of superhighways made more destinations accessible to more travelers.
Modern Tourism The Wright brothers’ experiment with the first airplane. Giant ocean liners, used primarily for transatlantic crossings by the wealthy, were replaced by cruise ships, or floating resorts for the masses.
1950’s During the dawning of the jet age in the 1950s, travel and tourism was not considered a serious industry. Long distance transportation was by ship Disneyland opened as an amusement park Museum villages were in the creative stage
1950’s Continued Traveling to other continents was a once-in-a-lifetime prospect No one had a personal computer 1959 began the travel industry when transcontinental jet service between New York and Los Angeles began
Assignment Draw a time line of the hospitality and tourism industry. Use specific information from this Power Point and add information from your research. Draw pictures and make the time-line of the history of travel creative. Good Luck!