The United States of America became an independent country on July 4th,1776.
Form of Government: Federal Republic. Number of States: 50. Capital. Washington D.C. ( the letters D.C. stand for “District of Columbia”) Flag: The American flag is known as Stars and Stripes. The 13 stripes represent the original number of states in The 50 stars represent today’s total. National Anthem: “The Star Spangled Banner”. The words were written by an American called Francis Scott Key in The tune was originally English. National Symbol: the Bald-headed Eagle. Currency: US Dollar $. Area: 9,363,130 square kilometres. Population: 272 million (approx.) of which 83% are white and Hispanic, 12% African American, 4% Orientals and other races (mainly Japanese, Chinese) and 1% Native American. Major Languages: English and Spanish.