PRIMARY TARGETS IN THE INTERACTION OF EXTEREMELY WEAK ALTERNATING MAGNETIC FIELDS WITH BIOSYSTEMS N. A. Belova, A.M. Ermakov, V.V. Lednev Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Magnetic fields from domestic devices at the distance 0.3 m µT percolator µT clothes washer µT vacuum cleaner µT mixer µT TV set µT drill µT electric oven µT microwave oven
At the same time some authors deny even a mere possibility of bioeffects of AMF with the amplitudes less than 10 T. Contrary to the claims denying the possible existence of biological effects of low-frequency magnetic fields with the amplitudes 2 T in the frame of traditional physics and biology Valberg P.A., Kavet R., Rafferty C.N. // Radiation Research Vol. 148, №1, Adair R.K. // Physical Review. A Vol. 43,
There is two important questions concerned with the possible biological influence of the extremely weak alternating MF on the biological systems 1. It is far from clear whether such fields may induce any effects in biological systems and especially – whether they may cause the adverse effects on the people’s health. 2. There is no understanding of the possible mechanisms (if any) for the bioeffects of such fields.
Magnetic fields EW AMF - alternating magnetic fields with the amplitudes Tesla In fact, we use combined magnetic field, containing co-linear oriented static, В DC, and alternating, В АC, components. Static component is represented by the Earth’s magnetic field (В DC = Т). Alternating component is generated by the Helmholtz coils.
The Helmholtz coils
Planaria Girardia tigrina Regenerating planaria Girardia tigrina (3 days later)
The installation for computer morphometry analysis
Planarian with the regenerating head portion The value of MF effect (R EXP - R CON )/R CON 100%, where: R = s/S - regeneration index, s - the area of the blastem (in projection), S - the area of whole body of planarian blastema
The seedlings of flax (Linum bienne)
The segments of flax stems in the Petri ‘s dishes Gravitropic bending angle The value of MF effect = ( a EXP - a CON )/ a CON 100%, a EXP и a CON - the angles of the gravitropic bending of the flax segments in experiment and in control
The dependence of the bioeffect’s values on the frequency of alternating component (nanoTesla fields) В DC = 46.5 µT, B AC = 134 nT, f AC =3, 4, 5 Hz Gravitropic response in flax segments Regenerating planarians
The dependence of the bioeffect’s values on the frequency of alternating component (nanoTesla fields) В DC = 46.5 µT, B AC = 402 nT, f AC =9, 12, 15 Hz Gravitropic response in flax segments Regenerating planarians
The dependence of the bioeffect’s values on the frequency of alternating component (nanoTesla fields) В DC = 46.5 µT, B AC = 1,6 µT, f AC =25, 37, 76 Hz Gravitropic response in flax segments Regenerating planarians
Theoretically expected dependence of the magnetic noise intensity generated by the combined magnetic field on the B AC / f parameter = (Hz /µT) - gyromagnetic ratio B AC (µT) - the amplitude of alternating component f (Hz) - the frequency of alternating component I = | J 1 (x) [J 2 (x) - J 0 (x)]| where x = B AC / f,
В DC = 42 µT, B AC = 1.6 µT B AC / f = 0.9; 1.8; 2.75; 3.8; 4.5 f AC = 76; 37; 25; 18; 15 Hz The dependence of the gravitropic response value on the parameter B AC / f = 42,578 (Hz/µT) gyromagnetic ratio for the nuclear spin of hydrogen atom
В DC = 42 µT, B AC = 1.6 µT B AC / f = 0.3; 0.5; 0.9; 1.3; 1.5; 1.8; 2.2; 2.4; 2.75; 3.2; 3.3; 3.8; 4.5; 5.3; 6.1 f AC = 227; 136; 76; 52; 45; 37; 31; 28; 25; 21; 20; 18; 15; 13; 11 Hz The dependence of the planarian’s regenerating rate on the parameter B AC / f = 42,578 (Hz/µT)
The dependence of the gravitropic response value on the parameter B AC / f B AC / f = 0.9; 1.8; 2.75; 3.8 В AC = 1.3; 2.5; 3.9; 5.4 µT В DC = 42 µT, f AC = 60 Hz = 42,578 (Hz/µT)
The dependence of the planarian’s regenerating rate on the parameter B AC / f В AC = 0.7; 1.3; 2.1; 2.5; 3.9; 5.4; 6.3; 7.4; 8.6; 9.8 µT B AC / f = 0.5; 0.9; 1.5; 1.8; 2.75; 3.8; 4.5; 5.3; 6.1; 7.0 (В DC = 42 µT, f AC = 60 Hz ) = 42,578 (Hz/µT)
The effects of «picotesla» field (В АС =640 pT, f AC =10 Hz) Gravitropic response in flax segments Regenerating planarians
= (Hz/µT) The dependence of the planarian’s regenerating rate on the parameter B AC / f (В DC = 42 µT, f AC = 1000 Hz ) В AC = 32; 64; 107; 128; 164; 192; 236; 271; 321; 379; 436 nT B AC / f = 0.5; 0.9; 1.5; 1.8; 2.3; 2.75; 3.3; 3.8; 4.5; 5.3; 6.1
= (Hz/µT) The dependence of the planarian’s regenerating rate on the parameter B AC / f B AC / f = 0.5; 0.9; 1.5; 1.8; 2.3; 2.75; 3.2; 3.8; f AC = 5376; 3000; 1792; 1500; 1168; 1000; 832; 700; 518; 450 Hz В DC = 42 µT, B AC = 192 nT
The combined MFs with the extremely weak alternating component do influence the properties of biological test-systems The value of bioeffects is determined by the parameter B AC / f, where: - gyromagnetic ratio for a particular type of magnetic moment, B AC and f correspond to the magnetic induction and frequency of the alternating magnetic field. The maxima of the bioeffects are observed at B AC / f = 0.9 and 2.75, while at B AC / f = 1.8 the effect is absent.
We have shown, that there are two different types of magnetic moments which serve as the primary targets affected by the EW AMF: 1. The nuclear spins of hydrogen atoms ( = Hz/ µT ) 2. Magnetic moments, produced by orbital movement of electrons in the atoms ( = Hz/ µT ) These results clarify the interaction mechanisms of the ultra weak alternating MFs with biosystems and provide the basis for planning and interpretation of the epidemiological studies.
J.M. Mullins, L.M. Penafiel, J. Juutilainen, T.A. Litovitz Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 1999, 48,
J.M. Mullins, L.M. Penafiel, J. Juutilainen, T.A. Litovitz Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 1999, 48,
The influence of weak power frequency magnetic field (В DC = 46.5 µT, B AC = 1,2 µT, f AC =60 Hz) on the process of adult emergence in Tenebrio molitor