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Slander and Libel Michael Quinones, NBCT
Examples of potential Libel Printed publications such as tabloids, magazines, books, newspapers and even websites sometimes write untrue information about people. Untrue information [lies or misrepresentations] can harm or ruin a person’s reputation. Because a person can be damaged by lies he/she can go to court to try a have “liar” forced to pay for suffering caused by lies.
Examples of potential Slander Verbal comments, rumors or remarks not written down but said about someone can be considered slander. Slander is more difficult to prove than libel because people accused of slander will often lie or deny their “lies”. In order to prove slander in court you must prove the “liar” intended to harm your reputation.
Civil law and Lawsuits An important type of law in the United States is called civil law. Civil law provides protection for citizens who have had their property, individual rights or freedoms violated. During civil law trials juries and judges decide whether someone is entitled to have a financial remedy awarded to them because a plaintiff [person seeking an award in court] sues.
Assignment: Slander and Libel Create a 6-panel cartoon strip describing a situation where a person slanders or libels someone. You must include specific details about the reasons for and effect of the slander/libel. What actions did the “victim” of the slander/libel take against the slanderer/libeler?
Image Sources 1/tabloid-libel.gif