Creating a Requisition in Atrieve
Open your web browser and go to and click on the KPS Employee Portal
Log in using your Windows user name and password.
Hover over the Atrieve tab and you will see two options. One will allow you to resize the window and one will not. Pick the option that you prefer.
Under the Requisition Maintenance header, select Requisition Entry
Enter your Requisition #. To make the number unique, you can use your school or your name initials along with the date and order number. E.g. JMB You are limited to 10 characters. Hit Enter when done.
On the Location line, put your location where you want the items delivered to. The Ship To box will automatically populate. If you are not sure of your location, you can click on the binoculars to the right of the box and search for it. Hit Enter when done.
Your name goes in the Attention box. If you are ordering for someone else, put their name. Hit Enter when done.
In the Supplier box, enter the supplier name. It is easier to populate this field by clicking the binoculars to the right of the box to search for it. Hit Enter when done.
You can enter through the Requested and Required boxes. It will populate the current date. If you are requiring a specific required date, you can enter it. Hit Enter when done.
Enter the max dollar amount for this requisition in the Maximum $ box. Hit Enter when done.
You can now enter the items you want to order. Enter Quantity, Measure (Usually EA for each), Description, Estimated Price, and GL Code. Hit Enter when done. You can enter as many lines as needed to complete your order.
Once all your items are entered, you can also enter notes to give special instruction to the person processing your order. In the Quantity line, enter DESC or NOTE and then enter your comments.
When finished, click Save at the top of the form. You can also modify a line if you need to change it by clicking Modify at the top of the form. You can also Insert more lines if needed by clicking Insert at the top of the form.