Orthodontist By: William Ireland
Why Would You Want This Job? Good pay Helping people Fun
Salary The average AMERICAN salary ( not Canadian, as I could not find Canadian ) orthodontist makes around 206,000 dollars. The highest paid orthodontist receives an hourly wage of $350, which rounds out to around 612,000
Job Prospects There is lots of availability for this job as most parents around the world want their children to have straight teeth. However it is also very hard to get this job as it requires lots of education in university on this topic, and there are lots of people competing for few spots to take this course in a university.
Perks and Benefits An obvious benefit of an orthodontist is the salary Usually an ortho is in charge and determines what goes on and how things get done in the office Set your own hours, days of work, vacation days Helping other people ( makes you a very liked person, if you do a good job ) Almost always good working conditions Lots of business, as many people want to have good teeth Make other people happy ( giving them a beautiful smile )
Enjoyable Aspects As I said in the previous slide, you are making other people happy which ultimately lifts your mood because you are lifting other people’s moods. The fact that you make a lot of money allows you to buy not just what you need but also what you need. Can go on family vacations, get your children what they want to have, etc. You get to be the decision maker, so things happen the way you want them to happen
Type Of Person This Job Would Appeal To Kind Intelligent Careful Caring Problem Solver Leader Works Well With Others Life Long Learner Outgoing ( you have to stick your hands in other people’s mouths. And they could be sick. ) Patient
Education Required 4 years of dental school. This includes anatomy, physiology and microbiology. Aswell as classes that apply more specifically to orthodontics such as dental anatomy, and occlusion, pediatric dentistry, and dental materials.
Surprising Facts Some fun facts on braces: The first braces were made of gold, braces are not magnetic, braces have been found on egyptians, and before glue was used to keep a bracket on a tooth, the braket would wrap around each tooth! Ouch!!!