What you must do: Play for four minutes on your first instrument Play for four minutes on your second instrument Compose your own original music Listening Paper for which you must know a prescribed list of musical words
Important Information You must play pieces at Grade II level for General Grade III level for Credit All pieces must be written down! (i.e. you must have sheet music – not TAB) Your composition can be in any style, for any instrument, and can be any length as long as it makes sense! You don’t need to be able to play it. The teacher can play it for you. The exam is marked as follows: First instrument25% Second instrument 25% Listening paper25% Composition25% Practical exams take place before the main diet of S.Q.A. exams – usually in February/March.
Drum kit players must play 4 rhythms, each with at least 4 fills. You do not have to play from written sheet music. You should try to play difficult styles – bossa nova, calypso, etc. – to get a high mark.
Guitarists have two options: Chordal guitar: play a programme of pieces using as many chords as you can (9 chords for general, 12 for credit). You can strum or use a finger-picking style Lead guitar: play “tunes” written out on sheet music. You can play from TAB but the music must also be written out in staff notation. The “Rock School” books are the best place to start!
Here are the rules: There are no rules! You must compose a piece - for any instrument (more than one) You don’t need to be able to play it. It doesn’t need to be written down. It can be an improvised piece – made up at the time.