W 7b Progress Report on LCP Updates and Other Work Related to Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise Planning in the Humboldt Bay Region
Grants Awarded to Local Governments in the Humboldt Bay Area for LCP Updates and SLR Planning Work LCP Segments Humboldt Bay Area City of Arcata 1. CCC LCP grant ($54,000) to support the completion of a comprehensive LCP update including evaluating the effects of SLR and developing LCP policies and adaptation plan. 2. SCC Climate Ready grant ($86,000) to design a 22-acre “living shoreline” area on Arcata Bay to buffer against SLR effects, investigate the utility of rolling easements for wetland migration, and evaluate the potential of more than 900 acres of planned and existing marshlands to sequester greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere. City of Eureka 3. OPC LCP SLR grant ($250,000) to implement a project that will support modeling to enable the City to update the LCP for coastal areas vulnerable to flooding
Pending Grant Requests in the Humboldt Bay Area for LCP Updates and SLR Planning Work LCP Segments Humboldt Bay Area Humboldt County 4. Requested CCC LCP grant ($100,000) to complete a comprehensive update of the Humboldt Bay Area Plan, including descriptions, policies, maps, and implementation plan to reflect current conditions and incorporate projected impacts of coastal flooding related to deteriorated shoreline structures and projected SLR effects. 5. Requested OPC LCP SLR grant ($25,000) to analyze assets and vulnerability of 11,500 acres of agricultural, residential, commercial, and industrial lands and infrastructure within the Humboldt Bay Area Plan LCP segment. City of Trinidad 6. Requested CCC LCP grant ($80,000) to complete a comprehensive LCP update, including certification of the Trinidad Harbor ADC. 4,
Additional Grants Awarded in Humboldt County for LCP Update Work LCP Segments Humboldt Bay Area Humboldt County *2013/2014 CCC LCP grant ($29,000) to (a) resolve and certify three Areas of Deferred Certification totaling approximately 1,100 acres within the North Coast Area Plan and Trinidad Area Plan LCP segments (Stagecoach Hill ADC, Big Lagoon Estates ADC, and Trinidad Area Shoreline Lots ADC), and (b) develop policies, standards and protective measures relating to allowance of interim uses on vacant and underutilized coastal dependent industrial lands around Humboldt Bay. 4, * * * * 3
Additional Grants Awarded in Humboldt County for Sea-Level Rise Adaptation Projects Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District SCC Climate Ready grant ($85,000) to assess the feasibility of utilizing dredged materials from small-scale dredging operations for tidal marsh restoration and climate change adaptation projects in Humboldt Bay. 4
Critical assets inventory Vulnerability analysis Adaptation assessment Caltrans District 1 Climate Change Pilot Study Eureka-Arcata Highway 101 Corridor Last Chance Grade Highway 101 Garcia River Highway 1 5