PA 15.1 – Distributor version What is new?
Feel free to add pictures, charts, tables or anything you need to this layout. All slide layouts are yours to use if you need them, but you can at any time create your on layout. The placement and properties of the Heading sections and its justifications, background graphics and footer with logo may however not be moved / removed or changed. New welcome screen: new design and new functionalities Statistics at user level : Each Distributor can follow where he/she is testing and how is developing User-friendly: you just need to click on every tile to see how you are performing Background 2
Feel free to add pictures, charts, tables or anything you need to this layout. All slide layouts are yours to use if you need them, but you can at any time create your on layout. The placement and properties of the Heading sections and its justifications, background graphics and footer with logo may however not be moved / removed or changed. New PA welcome screen 3 Activity Tile My Test Activity Tiles (x3) Application Method Tiles (x4) Application area TileGeneral functions Tiles Competitor Comparison Tiles Industry Tile
Feel free to add pictures, charts, tables or anything you need to this layout. All slide layouts are yours to use if you need them, but you can at any time create your on layout. The placement and properties of the Heading sections and its justifications, background graphics and footer with logo may however not be moved / removed or changed. Local Activity Shows the number of test reports in your local database By clicking on this tile, it shows the detail of your own test reports yearly and monthly during the last 3 years Activity Tile (1/2) 4
Feel free to add pictures, charts, tables or anything you need to this layout. All slide layouts are yours to use if you need them, but you can at any time create your on layout. The placement and properties of the Heading sections and its justifications, background graphics and footer with logo may however not be moved / removed or changed. Displays the performance and development over the last 3 years Shows also different averages (annual, monthly and weekly) Can display user’s test reports and local test reports Activity Tile (2/2)
Feel free to add pictures, charts, tables or anything you need to this layout. All slide layouts are yours to use if you need them, but you can at any time create your on layout. The placement and properties of the Heading sections and its justifications, background graphics and footer with logo may however not be moved / removed or changed. Icon 1 = Current Year Icon 2 = Current Year + previous Year Icon 3 = Previous 3 years Activity Tile - Meaning of the icons House = your local database ( your own reports + other tests imported ) Globe = All reports uploaded in the global server ( only for Coromant employees) User = your own reports
Feel free to add pictures, charts, tables or anything you need to this layout. All slide layouts are yours to use if you need them, but you can at any time create your on layout. The placement and properties of the Heading sections and its justifications, background graphics and footer with logo may however not be moved / removed or changed. This Tile displays the total user’s test report This Tile shows the % of reports uploaded This Tile shows the user’s reports through all the years My Test Activity Tiles
Feel free to add pictures, charts, tables or anything you need to this layout. All slide layouts are yours to use if you need them, but you can at any time create your on layout. The placement and properties of the Heading sections and its justifications, background graphics and footer with logo may however not be moved / removed or changed. These 4 tiles show how your own test reports and the global test reports are splitted between Turning, Milling, Drilling and Boring in the last 2 years plus the current year Meaning of the icons (top right) : = your own user’s reports = your local reports ( user reports plus others imported) = global reports ( only for Coromant employees) Application Method Tiles 8
Feel free to add pictures, charts, tables or anything you need to this layout. All slide layouts are yours to use if you need them, but you can at any time create your on layout. The placement and properties of the Heading sections and its justifications, background graphics and footer with logo may however not be moved / removed or changed. This Tile shows you how you are performing in the different application areas (Turning, Milling,etc…) in the last 2 years plus the actual year It also shows similar information at global level ( only for Sandvik Coromant employees) This tile may help you to analyze where you normally test your tools, and therefore what areas you have opportunities to develop even more Application Area Tile 9
Feel free to add pictures, charts, tables or anything you need to this layout. All slide layouts are yours to use if you need them, but you can at any time create your on layout. The placement and properties of the Heading sections and its justifications, background graphics and footer with logo may however not be moved / removed or changed. This tile shows you how you are performing in the different industry segments during the last 2 years plus the actual year It also shows similar information at global level ( only for Sandvik Coromant employees) This tile may help you to analyze where you normally test your tools, and therefore in which areas you have opportunities to develop even more Industry Tile 10
Feel free to add pictures, charts, tables or anything you need to this layout. All slide layouts are yours to use if you need them, but you can at any time create your on layout. The placement and properties of the Heading sections and its justifications, background graphics and footer with logo may however not be moved / removed or changed. 2 tiles are created to help you to analyze how you are performing against your tooling competitors and your insert competitors You can easily visualize the current year plus the last 2 years through the diagrams It also displays similar information at global level ( only for Sandvik Coromant employees) Competitor Comparison Tiles 11
Feel free to add pictures, charts, tables or anything you need to this layout. All slide layouts are yours to use if you need them, but you can at any time create your on layout. The placement and properties of the Heading sections and its justifications, background graphics and footer with logo may however not be moved / removed or changed. Create a new test report Display your local DB reports Create a new Query Back up and Restore Functions Summary Report General functions Compare Sub-test Query ( restricted to local DB only ) User Profile Application & Component versions System Information
Feel free to add pictures, charts, tables or anything you need to this layout. All slide layouts are yours to use if you need them, but you can at any time create your on layout. The placement and properties of the Heading sections and its justifications, background graphics and footer with logo may however not be moved / removed or changed. Shows the licence expiration days plus the application version Refresh the data with the latest updates General functions 13
Feel free to add pictures, charts, tables or anything you need to this layout. All slide layouts are yours to use if you need them, but you can at any time create your on layout. The placement and properties of the Heading sections and its justifications, background graphics and footer with logo may however not be moved / removed or changed. This version allows you to add videos to your test report up to 50 Mb per test report. Uploading videos to the test report works exactly the same way than for images. The allowed formats are *.mp4, *.mpg, *.mov Video 14
Feel free to add pictures, charts, tables or anything you need to this layout. All slide layouts are yours to use if you need them, but you can at any time create your on layout. The placement and properties of the Heading sections and its justifications, background graphics and footer with logo may however not be moved / removed or changed. If you have any question, contact your nearest PA Sales Support Specialist Contact 15