Bone Structure of the Body
Bones The skeleton provides a series of independently movable levers which the muscles can pull to move different parts of the body. It also supports and protects the internal body organs. The skeleton produces red blood cells from the bone marrow of certain bones and white cells from the marrow of other bones to destroy harmful bacteria.
Joints Joints link one bone to another They allow movement between different bones
Ligaments A ligament is a tough band of white, fibrous, slightly elastic tissue. They bind the bone ends together to prevent dislocation and excessive movement that might cause breakage.
Muscles Muscle is attached to bone by tendons and it exerts force by converting chemical energy into tension and contraction. They allow us to move by simply contracting and becoming shorter. Muscles pull but they cannot push. Muscles are made of tiny protein filaments.
Tendons Tendons serve to transmit muscular strength to bone structures. They connect muscles to bones.