Gaby Orduna Period 1
Public records contain info about individuals, often very sensitive information. Are accessible electronically Courts and government make public records available on web sites They make them available on a fee basis
Property tax files Motor vehicle records - registration, licensing, and driver history information Registered voter files Professional and business licenses. Court files: Case indexes Tax liens and judgments Bankruptcy files Criminal arrest and conviction records, and warrants Civil court recordings
Anyone can view your private information by simply buying it off (government) websites This can be prevented by limiting what is posted online You can’t have public records entirely removed from the Internet because of the Freedom of Information Act. It matters because it causes less participation in public life, identity theft, destruction of reputation, personal safety risks, etc.
The Government Hackers Anyone with internet access
People don’t feel safe It can cause many to stop participating in government For example, many people do not vote because they do not want their name, address, party affiliation and other info publicly available
"Public Records on the Internet: The Privacy Dilemma." Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. Ed. Evan Hendricks. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr "How To Remove Information From Google & Public Records." N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr