Classical Conclusions : Comparisons, Declines, & New Directions Chapter 5 Pg. 98-117.


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Presentation transcript:

Classical Conclusions : Comparisons, Declines, & New Directions Chapter 5 Pg

Expansion & Integration  Political, territorial, & social integration –China: centralization, common language –India: Hinduism –Mediterranean: weaker integration = more complete fall?

Decline in China  Characteristics of decline: –Nomadic invasions –Reduced intellectual creativity –Reduced government control –Overburdened peasants –Epidemics  Postclassical preview: –Buddhism spreads, Daoism popularized –Sui & Tang dynasties revive civilization

Decline in India  Characteristics of decline:  Least drastic due to vigor of trade & Hinduism –Loss of central control –Nomadic invasions  Postclassical preview: –Arab armies in NW India –Hinduism popularized –Scientific & economic vigor decline

Decline in Rome  Characteristics of decline:  Most drastic due to lack of commonalities –Weak emperors –Epidemics –Cultural decay –Nomadic invasion –Exceptions:  Diocletian  Constantine 1 of 2

Decline in Rome  Postclassical preview: –East= continues as Byzantium, culturally strong –N. Af= power vacuum –West= chaos, farmers offer land & labor to landlords for protection 2 of 2

New Religious Map  End of classical period: rise & spread of many major religions –Invasions –Epidemics –Trade  World religions begin displacing polytheistic & animistic faiths

Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism  Buddhism spread to East & SE Asia while becoming increasingly: –Led by monks –Emotionally spiritual –Artistic –Organized –Based on prayer & ritual  Hinduism & Daoism gained popularity

Spread of Buddhism Spread of Christianity  By 325 CE  By 600 CE

Christianity, Islam  Christianity= beliefs & worship of Jesus –1 supreme God: trinity –Spiritual dedication over worldly concerns –Afterlife through belief, good deeds, rituals –Equality of all believers –Intolerance of other beliefs 1 of 2

Christianity, Islam  Spread due to disciples, organization, & historical context –Modeled Rome’s imperial government –Organized Bible & missionaries –Infrastructure made travel easy  Significantly altered European culture  Islam rises soon in postclassical era 2 of 2

Global Connections  Civ’s must face reviving institutions  Societies must react to new religions  Civilization continued to spread to new societies  International contacts accelerated in the wake of classical decline