Quest for the historical Jesus A Benefit or Detriment to the Church?
First Quest 1778–1906 The Questioning of Established Authorities
Herman Samuel Reimarus The Aims of Jesus and His Disciples (1778) Jesus was political messiah whose disciples changed his message to one of eternal salvation
David friedrich strauss The Life of Jesus Critically Examined (1835) Jesus was a person who symbolized divine-human unity Evangelists shaped his story in the mold of the Old Testament prophets
Ernst Renan Life of Jesus (1862) Teacher of Love Miracle Worker Tragic Martyr
Albert Schweitzer Quest for the Historical Jesus (1906) Eschatological and Apocalyptic Jesus Tried to bring in the Kingdom of God
Period of no quest 1906 –1953 Encountering Jesus without History
Karl Barth Historically we know that Jesus lived and died Focus on Theology
Rudolf Bultmann Existential encounter
Second Quest 1953–1970 Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater
Ernst Kasemann “The Problem of the Historical Jesus” Don’t lose all connection to history Employ better principles
Third Quest 1980-Present Jewish Jesus Jesus Seminar - Robert Funk, John Dominic Crossan Orthodox Scholars - Ben Witherington, E. P. Sanders
McKnight and his respondents creating Jesus in our own image Bad criteria Stance is over and against the Bible Bock, Keener, Wright Better criteria Engaged in culture Context for faith