The Reformation DVD
Roman Catholic Church Powerful throughout the Middle Ages Became corrupt Led to the Reformation
Historical background Popes were too involved in politics in Western Europe Papacy (the pope) was the most powerful because of a power vacuum Over 1000 years corruption set in Crusades: Europeans went to the Holy Lands to free the lands from Muslims. This added to the power of the pope. Crusaders could obtain an indulgence. Church grants indulgences. Indulgences erase sins. Priests sold them. This led to growth of corruption.
Early Reformers (before Luther) The Church said that only the Church could interpret scripture (Bible) Wycliffe: English, translated the Bible to English, so more people could read for themselves. He attacked corruption of the clergy and the system. Attacked the sacraments as money making.
Martin Luther (not King, Jr) Augustinian monk Rejected the authority of the Pope Said Bible was source of truth Clergy was no better than people Posted 95 theses on the door of Wittenberg Cathedral If pope can forgive sins, then why doesn’t he do it for free like Jesus Pope insisted the Luther recant (take it back). He refused. Was excommunicated. Luther went into hiding
Printing press Spread Luther’s ideas 6 weeks to spread the news to farthest part of Europe. Printing press became a force that changed the world.
Influence on politics Some people rebelled against rulers Luther spoke out against violence
Humanist movement Reformation grew out of Renaissance and humanist movement Erasmus : from priest to non priest. “study ancient texts” to find out what Jesus really said. Father of the Reformation. Great influence on Luther didn’t take sides in the movement
Zwingli… Switzerland Moved church in Switzerland to Protestantism Faith being source of salvation. Church should throw out whatever is not in the Bible. People of Zurich changed the church through government
Anabaptists Did not fight; pacifists Strict separation between church and state
John Calvin Spoke English, French, Dutch Influenced more people than Luther because of language. Was second generation of Reformation Institutes of the Christian Religion Influenced Presbyterian and Reformed Churches, other too predestination
King Henry VIII, England Reformed England, but initially was against Protestantism “defender of the faith” by Pope Wanted an annulment, Pope refused Henry made himself leader of the Church of England
Counter Reformation Catholic Church made its own reforms Reaction to the Protestant Reformation 1545: Council of Trent was made to examine Church doctrine Took about 15 years. All smart Church leaders were involved Selling of indulgences was rejected But said that the Church was still needed for salvation
Wars of Religion Wars for about 100 years Thirty Years War: 1618 to 1648 involved all countries in Europe Not really about religion, it was political Henry IV of France signed Edict of Nantes, this ended the religious wars in France. Treaty of Westphalia ended Thirty Years War in the HRE