Disaster Analysis What Caused the Tsunami? The Tsunami was caused by the shifting of the plate tectonics (also called an earthquake). Thus creating a rush of underwater currents. When the underwater currents reach shallower water and nearer to shore, the friction against the sand starts to push the water upwards, thus creating the waver higher and faster. By the time the waver reaches the shore it would already be several meters tall.
Devastation Created By Tsunami Buildings and streets are flooded Houses and buildings are destroyed Rubbish is scattered everywhere Many people are injured and killed Families and friends are missing
Disaster Relief How do Tsunamis’ effect people? The Tsunami had effected the people a lot because most of the businesses had been destroyed, so the economy would go down. Also diseases from dead bodies would start to pass within one another. Famine would begin because there would be lack of food and water. Also there would be no more shelter because most of them had been destroyed by the Tsunami.
Relief Plan #1 Gather all countries together for a world wide meeting, and force every country to give a certain amount of money to the area that had the most damage by the Tsunami. Because there is a decent amount of countries in the world, every country would need to pay a part of the amount of money needed to be spent. Also each country would need to send a few rescue squads to save the people who are alive and need help immediately.
Relief Plan #2 Put the news about the Tsunami in all media sources, so all public eye would be able to view the tragedies in the area. Specifically let the camera view on small children and animals so it would have more of an effect on the crowd because they would feel sad and would want to help out to feel good about themselves.
Relief Plan #3 Start creating charity groups, to help donate food and money to the needed. Create a lot of charity groups so the people would be the one’s giving out the money and food and the government would not have to spend as much money with help of giving food and money because the people would be doing that.
Relief Plan #4 Be smart and go to the country and help them out by giving a part of what they need such as food, water, shelter, and money. (low quality) But now make the country to be in your debt so now you have free labor. (slaves!) And create a situation so that the country would be in your debt forever! < <<< a home something like this