Gatekeeper Plan features that support person-centered planning
A set of planning tools: Assess, Plan, Monitor, Review, Revise Customize your own template Easily update Plan templates
Maintain a full history of an individual’s plans in one place Create multiple types of plans Deliver Plans to providers via
Customize your Assessment to ensure compliance with Person Centered Practices and SSA rule: Important To/ Important For Risk Assessment Path to Employment Working/ Not Working Required assessment areas
Services and Outcomes can be driven by the Assessment results Attach Person-Centered Tools and supporting documents and incorporate them into the Plan document Include individual’s photo on cover page
Review schedules tailored to the individual for the overall Plan and for each Outcome Easily create Plan Revisions as needs change Include all support providers, including natural supports
New in Outcomes/ Action Steps Multiple Action Steps tied to each Outcome Each Action Step has its own Provider, Frequency, Start and End Dates Outcome review schedules Alerts remind when Outcome reviews are due
New in Block- Style Narratives Snapshot summary of information, such as Important To/ For, Good Day/ Bad Day, Dreams, Like/ Admire Tables Risks Communication
Version – Due for release in October Additional statuses to track workflow Alerts to let user know when a Plan needs their attention
Version and 2106 Expanded options for assessment questions Assessment summary on print preview Print profiles - define which parts of the plan should be sent to each team member