Festivals around the World
Quiz Q18. The Dutch hold Oktoberfest every year.
Q19. Halloween is like a memorial service.
Quiz Q20. Halloween has its origin in Europe.
Quiz Q21.People held costume parties to celebrate Halloween.
Quiz Q22.Hyejin saw the parade passing by when she came out of the subway.
Quiz Q23.The musicians dressed up costumes, playing musical instruments.
Quiz Q24.Hyejin also dressed up so that she could enjoy the party.
Q25.Halloween was more fantastic than Hyejin had expected.
Quiz Q26.The Jews lit the lamp for eight days to win the war.
Q27. In the legend of Hanukkah, the lamp turned out to burn much longer than it should have.
Quiz Q28.On St. Lucia's Day, people celebrate St. Lucia who kept the country from starving.
Quiz Q29.It is found that each festival is based on the different cultural background.
Quiz Q30.Light has an important role in both of the festival, although it has different meanings in different countries.
Quiz Q31. In the evening on St. Lucia's Day, the festive food was delivered to the neighbors.
Q32. Which is not mentioned above? ① the origin of St. Lucia's day ① the origin of St. Lucia's day ② the time of year they celebrate St. Lucia's day
Quiz ③ the traditional custom of St. Lucia's day ③ the traditional custom of St. Lucia's day ④ the special events that honors St. Lucia ⑤ the beautiful music at the concert ⑤ the beautiful music at the concert
Quiz Q33.In the afternoon on the St. Lucia's day, street performance and concert is held.
Q34. St. Lucia's day ends at night.
Festivals around the World
Special Events in People's Lives There are many events [celebrated/to celebrate] [while/during] a person's life,
Special Events in People's Lives and some of the more common celebrations around the world includes birthdays, marriages, and ancestor-remembrance.(1)
Special Events in People's Lives Most of these festivals [is/are] happy events that allow family and friends [getting/to get] together,
Special Events in People's Lives but people mark these special days [different/differently] in different places.
Special Events in People's Lives Oktoberfest When: September to October Where: Germany
Special Events in People's Lives Oktoberfest began when the King of Bavaria had a big wedding that lasted eight days and attended by many people. (1)
Special Events in People's Lives These days, it's a big celebration [held/holding] every year in Munich, Germany.
Special Events in People's Lives Halloween When: October Where: U.S.A. / Europe
Special Events in People's Lives Halloween was originally a day [which/when] ancient Europeans remembered dead ancestors.
Special Events in People's Lives These days, people celebrate by carving pumpkins and dress up in scary costumes.(1)
Halloween is the perfect time to visit New York! Date: October 31 Location: New York, the U.S.A. the U.S.A. Reporter: Hyejin, from Korea
Halloween is the perfect time to visit New York! It's Halloween in New York, and people here sure know [what/how] to celebrate it It's Halloween in New York, and people here sure know [what/how] to celebrate it
Halloween is the perfect time to visit New York! Costume parties [throw/are thrown] all month, and glowing jack-o'-lanterns [can see/can be seen] everywhere.
Halloween is the perfect time to visit New York! On Halloween night, I went down to the parade on 6th Avenue. On Halloween night, I went down to the parade on 6th Avenue.
Halloween is the perfect time to visit New York! As I came out of the subway, I saw the parade [passed/passing] by. As I came out of the subway, I saw the parade [passed/passing] by.
Halloween is the perfect time to visit New York! First [the band came/came the band], costumed musicians [bang/ banging] drums and [blow/blowing] trumpets, First [the band came/came the band], costumed musicians [bang/ banging] drums and [blow/blowing] trumpets,
Halloween is the perfect time to visit New York! [following/followed by] a sea of "flying bats" on sticks and skeleton puppets. [following/followed by] a sea of "flying bats" on sticks and skeleton puppets.
Halloween is the perfect time to visit New York! Then came thousands of people [shown/showing] off their costumes. Then came thousands of people [shown/showing] off their costumes.
Halloween is the perfect time to visit New York! The crowd had a great time as they cheered for their favorite [one/ones]. The crowd had a great time as they cheered for their favorite [one/ones].
Halloween is the perfect time to visit New York! I saw people dressing up as popular movie characters, such as Shrek, Dracula, and Spiderman. (1) I saw people dressing up as popular movie characters, such as Shrek, Dracula, and Spiderman. (1)
Halloween is the perfect time to visit New York! It was totally fantastic and [amusing/amused]. It was totally fantastic and [amusing/amused].
Halloween is the perfect time to visit New York! I wished that I (dress) up, too. I wished that I (dress) up, too. = 나는 옷을 차려입을 걸 하고 바랬 다.
Halloween is the perfect time to visit New York! Halloween in New York was even more [excited/ exciting] than I imagined!(1)
Festivals of Light Light has different meanings [related/relating] to the religious or cultural background of different countries.
Festivals of Light It has come to be an important element in many festivals throughout the world.
Festivals of Light [While/ During] festivals [held/holding] in winter, people often celebrate by lighting candles and brightening their houses with colorful decorations.
Hanukkah When: December Where: Around the world Hanukkah is the Jewish festival of lights.
Hanukkah According to legend, after winning a battle, the Jews lit a temple lamp with a small amount of oil, [that/which] was enough for only one day.
Hanukkah The lamp, however, burned for eight days.
Hanukkah Today, a candle [is lighting/ is lit] for each of the festival's eight days.
St. Lucia's Day When: December Where: Sweden
St. Lucia's Day According to legend, St. Lucia appeared during a famine on the longest night of the year to bring food.
St. Lucia's Day These days, young girls wear white dresses and crowns of candles, take food to friends and neighbors.(1)
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! Date: December 13 Location: Stockholm, Sweden Reporter: Mark, from the U.K.
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! I'm [delighting/delighted] to spend the Christmas season here in Sweden.
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! Today was St. Lucia's Day, a very popular occasion.
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! The whole day, people celebrate St. Lucia, the saint of light.
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! During the day, the youngest girl of each family wears a white dress and crown of candles before [delivered/delivering] festive food to friends and neighbors.
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! The St. Lucia evening is marked by street performances led by a beautifully costumed St. Lucia and her choir, as well as the traditional Lucia concert.
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! As I ( 나아가다 :make) through the snowy streets to the concert hall, Lucia buns [were serving/were being served] in the crowded town square.
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! During the concert, St. Lucia entered with candles, a sign of hope during the dark winter.
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! One and a half hours of songs [performed/were performed] in her honor.
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! Now, three hours after the concert, the beautiful music is still [played/ playing] in my mind.
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! I'll never forget this perfect night.
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! From Holi to Halloween to Hanukkah, festivals provide opportunities [of/for] visitors to gain and develop a better understanding
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! of the world and its cultural diversity.
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! As celebrations of the important seasons and events that shape human lives,
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! festivals remind us those characteristics which [share/are shared] across all cultures.
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! By [celebration/celebrating] these common characteristics,
A Fantastic Night in Sweden! we take a step closer to become a true global community.(1)