Cross Promotion with Social Media Promotion Marketing Social Media Presence Creative Partnerships Building Relationships
Benefits of Cross-Promoting You increase your credibility You expand your reach You spend less and get more You offer more to your clients
Pros & Cons of Cross-Promoting Create and cross promote between related channels Work with other brands and businesses Not all social media platforms are the solution for promoting your business or brand
Create a 45-60 second video to create buzz about your business and convert viewers into subscribers The Intro (Introduce your Business) The Why (Share Why You Do What You Do) The Call to Action (Tell Them How to Subscribe to Your Channel)
You Tube Cross-Promotion Feature Multi Channel Playlists Create a multi-channel sections. It allows you to turn your channel into a single destination for viewers to access all the other channels you own or love.
You Tube Cross-Promotion Feature Playlist for Increased Brand Visibility Feature any playlist from another channel associated with your brand
You Tube Cross-Promotion Features Link your Google+ and YouTube Account (videos will be shared)
Build Better Engagement On Social Media Multiple Platform Connections Building Business Relationships/Cross Channel Relationships
Linking Multiple Platforms
Ways To Cross-Promote and How Pull Twitter feed into your Facebook page Link Facebook and Twitter to Google+ Pull blog updates into your Facebook page Post your Blog updates on Twitter Promote your Facebook page on blog and website Place share buttons on your blog Include Facebook and Twitter addresses in Pinterest bio Scoop It
The 'Don'ts‘ of Cross-Promoting) Don't blanket-post every message you choose to send Don't forget to link to other platform content. Don't assume that you've reached your audience with the first CPP hit!
How To Build Relationships Collaborate with channels that attract similar demographics; Appear, guest-star or contribute to other channels; Incorporate video from a collaboration partner on your channel; Use annotations, playlists, links in description and clear direction within the video to help the viewer watch more; and Interact with new viewers.
Scoble Successful At Cross-Promoting Robert Scoble grew his Google + account to well over 4.0 million followers, he also has huge following on several social networks, including Twitter. As you can see, Robert used Google Plus to write about and link to Hipset and used Twitter to draw in more traffic to that G+ post. He could have just as easily included a direct link to Hipset in that Tweet but this cross promotion across social accounts helps both Robert and Hipset
TRENDS Mobile is the next thing in marketing innovation!!! Over 1 million users 200,000 Million Users 100,000 videos viewed daily Over 5 Million Subscribers Mobile is the next thing in marketing innovation!!!
REFERENCES Parker, C. (7.28.2010). Five easy ways to cross promote your social media content. Retrieved from: Mailheau, R. (9.30.2013). Use Cross Promotion To Build Better Engagement On Social Media. Retrieved from: Gregory, A. (1.19.2010). Join Forces and Start Cross-Promoting Now. Retrieved from: Brinton, B. ( 1.17.2012). Social Media Tools: Some Cross-Promotional Guidelines. Retrieved from: Bodnar, C. (2.27.2013). The top 3 tips for brands to leverage cross channel promotion. Retrieved from: