Electrostatic Flocking By: Jessica, Adia and Katie.
How to flock 1. Take a type of fiber, called flocking powder, and use an adhesive. 2. Spread the adhesive on the surface you’re flocking 3. press the flocking to the adhesive 4. Let it dry
How a proper flocking machine works
What flocking has to do with electricity The flocking powder is charged so that it with stick to a surface.
What is flocking used for 1. Art. This is where paint is the adhesive and the flocking is placed on an art project or craft. 2. Velvet. The adhesive is glue type substance and the flocking is placed all over a clothing material. 3. Stuffed animals, fuzzy pillows and blankets. This is a lot like making velvet, but the flocking powder has a different texture to make it cuddly and warm.
Video We also made a video to show you how it works.