As well as a players technical and tactical development, their physical development is paramount if they are to progress later in their footballing career. As part of developing these physical skills it is the aim of the Academy to provide each player with an individual training program to be completed away from training in order to enhance their physical development. Within this handbook will be a detailed directory of age specific exercises designed and selected to improve a players movement skills and support the development of balance, co-ordination, strength, stability and mobility. For each training block players will be allocated one exercise from each of the 5 movement groups listed based on their need and progression. This will mean each player has an individual training program which should be completed 2-3 times per week away from Academy training sessions with the aim of developing the player’s athletic potential so by the time they are ready to leave their current phase and potentially move into the next phase they can perform all the required competencies necessary. Each exercise listed comes with detailed coaching points and pictures to aid players in completing the exercises. It is important that correct technique is utilised when completing each exercise, so with this in mind the Lead Strength and Conditioning coach will be available prior to Academy training to support players who may be unsure of the correct execution of the exercises. Each allocated exercise should be completed (TIME: 20s-25s; REST: 20s-25s; REPS: 3) unless otherwise stated in the exercise description.
Position 1 Stand upright, head up, chest up. Feet crossed. Toes forward. Position 2 Bend at ankles, knees and hips into squat. Head up, chest up, butt out. Squat to full depth. Front foot flat. Rear foot-heel up. Position 3 Hands ahead, elbows out. Return to start position and repeat.
Position 1 Stand upright, head up, chest up. Bend at ankles, knees and hips to squat. Arms move ahead. Position 2 Jump high. Arms swing to assist jump. Position 3 Bend at ankles, knees and hips to land softly. Repeat next jump immediately.
Position 1 Stand upright, head up, chest up. Squat down before the jump. Position 2 Jump high keeping feet apart. Position 3 Land with feet apart. Bend at ankles, knees and hips with a soft landing. Repeat the jump bringing legs closer at landing. Continue-wide, narrow, wide, etc.
Position 1 Stand upright, head up, chest up. Bend at ankles, knees and hips. Swing arms back. Position 2 Fully extend into the jump. Swing arms to assist. Position 3 Bend at ankles, knees and hips to land quietly. Step back to the start. Repeat.
Position 1 Start upright, head up, chest up. Crouch low. Position 2 Fully extend and jump sideways. Position 3 Land quietly by bending at ankles, knees and hips. Immediately repeat the jump to the other side. Repeat.
Position 1 Stand upright on one leg. Free leg behind. Head up, chest up. Position 2 Butt out to squat down. Knee over foot. Back straight. Position 3 Hold for 5 sec before returning to a stand. Repeat the exercise on opposite leg.
Position 1 Lie facing up, hands under hips. Legs straight, feet together. Raise straight legs off floor. Legs apart and straight to widest range. Position 2 Cross legs over each other. Keep legs straight. Return to wide position. Position 3 Cross legs over each other in opposite direction. Keep legs straight.
Position 1 Lie flat, facing up. Legs straight and vertical. Shoulders in contact with floor. Head down. Position 2 Lower legs to side. Keep legs straight. Keep shoulders down. Position 3 Lower legs very close to floor. Raise legs back to starting position. Repeat other side.
Position 1 Face down, weight on hands and feet. Hands under shoulders. Body straight from feet to shoulders. Position 2 Raise one straight leg above hips. Keep heel vertical. Return to start position. Repeat 3 times. Position 3 Repeat other side-3 times. Continue sequence.
Position 1 Lie on side, trunk upright, weight supported on forearm. Position 2 Raise the straight top leg above hips. Circle anti- clockwise. Position 3 Repeat circling clockwise. Repeat on other side.
Position 1 Lie flat, face up. Hands under hips. Raise straight legs, feet together. Position 2 Swing legs past each other, up and down. Keep legs straight. Position 3 High point about 45°. Low point just off the floor.
Position 1 Sit with hands to side of hips. Legs slightly bent. Heels on floor. Position 2 Straighten arms and push heel and hand into ground to raise hips off ground. Move opposite hand to opposite foot. Position 3 Touch opposite hand to opposite foot. Return to balance position and repeat other side.
Position 1 Stand upright, head up, chest up. Step forward. Start reach with opposite arm. Position 2 Take a long step. Feet facing forwards. Reach opposite arm to touch floor outside lead foot. Trail arm high behind body. Position 3 Return to standing. Repeat the other side.
Position 1 Stand upright, head up, chest up. Step to side. Toes facing forwards. Position 2 Take a long step. Bend at ankle, knee and hips to reach forward. Reach opposite arm across to touch floor outside lead leg. Free arm behind back. Position 3 Return to starting position and repeat other side.
Position 1 Stand upright; head up, chest up. Take weight on left leg. Rotate right trunk, leg & hip 45° to rear. Take a long step. Pin the left leg in place. Position 2 Bend at ankle, knee and hip of lead leg. Reach hand outside lead leg. Keep trail leg straight. Swing free arm back. Position 3 Return to start position and repeat other side.
Position 1 Stand upright, head up, chest up. Position 2 Reach back with one leg, bend at ankle, knee and hips. Take a long, rear step. Keep weight on front foot. Reach forward with opposite hand. Touch the floor outside front foot. Free arm high. Position 3 Return to standing position. Repeat on other side.
Position 1 Stand upright, head up, chest up. Position 2 Step forward and across trail leg. Take a long step. Toes forward. Position 3 Bent at ankle, knee and hip. Rotate shoulders and reach outside arm inside leg to touch floor. Keep trail leg straight.
Position 1 Stand upright, head up, chest up. Toes forward. Position 2 Take weight on front foot and step back and across with free leg. Rotate shoulders and reach across with opposite arm. Position 3 Bend front leg. Take a long step with free leg. Touch floor outside opposite foot. Return to start and repeat other side.
Position 1 Lie on side, legs straight, feet together. Hips vertical. Weight on straight arms. Position 2 Raise hips to highest point and lower slowly. Position 3 Return to starting position and relax.
Position 1 Sit with hands to side of hips. Legs wide and slightly bent. Heels on floor. Straighten arms and push. Heel and hand into ground to raise hips off ground. Move opposite hand to opposite foot. Position 2 Touch opposite hand to opposite foot. Position 3 Return to balance and repeat other side.
Position 1 Lie flat, face up. Hands under hips. Raise leg straight and together. Position 2 Draw a large O in the air anti-clockwise. Position 3 After the O draw a fig 8 in the air. Follow with another O clockwise and repeat sequence.
Position 1 Hands wide, feet wide, back straight. Weight on hands and feet. Take weight on right arm & left leg. Pick up bent right leg and bring it under body. Continue moving right leg & hips under body. Lift left arm off. Take more weight on support arm. Position 2 Move right leg & hip further under body. Rotate free arm to rear. Reach for floor with free hand. Touch floor with free hand. Straighten free leg. Position 3 Return leg & hip back under body. Return to start position. Weight on hands and feet. Start in opposite direction.
Position 1 Lie on side. Elbow under shoulder. Weight on forearm. Hands ahead on floor. Legs straight. Position 2 Raise top leg. Brace trunk with hands. Position 3 Raise leg high. Keep leg straight. Lower slowly and repeat.
Position 1 Face down, weight on hands and feet. Body straight from feet to shoulders. Position 2 Raise one straight leg above hips. Keep heel vertical. Return to start position. Repeat 3 times. Position 3 Repeat other side-3 times. Continue sequence.
Position 1 Start standing, head up, chest up. Crouch down with hands ahead on floor-count 1. take weight on hands & feet. Jump feet back-count 2. legs straight. Trunk braced. Position 2 Raise one straight leg above hips-count 3. keep heel up. Return to floor-count 4. repeat with other leg, up and down-counts 5 & 6. Position 3 Jump legs back in to crouch- count 7. jump high and fully extend-count 8. land softly by bending at ankles, knees and hips. Butt out. Immediately begin the movement. Repeat.
Position 1 Start standing, head up, chest up. Crouch down with hands ahead on floor-count 1. Take weight on hands. Jump feet back-count 2. legs straight. Trunk braced. Position 2 Jump legs back into crouch- count 3. Repeat the jumping out and in action a second time-count 4 and 5. Position 3 Jump high and fully extend- count 6. Land softly by bending at ankles, knees and hips. Butt out. Immediately begin the movement. Repeat.
Position 1 Start standing, head up, chest up. Crouch down with hands ahead on floor-count 1. take weight on hands. Jump feet back-count 2; legs straight trunk braced. Position 2 Jump straight legs to one side-count 3. brace on landing return to middle- count 4. jump straight legs to opposite side-count 5. return to middle-count 6. Position 3 Jump legs back into crouch- count 7. jump high and fully extend-count 8. land softly and repeat movement.
Position 1 Start standing, head up, chest up. Crouch down with hands ahead on floor-count 1. take weight on hands. Jump feet back-count 2 leg straight. Trunk braced. Position 2 Jump legs off ground and cross them at landing-count 3. return to middle position- count 4. jump and cross legs the other way-count 5. jump legs back to middle-count 6. Position 3 Jump legs back into crouch- count 7. jump high and fully extend-count 8. land softly and repeat movement.
Position 1 Stand upright, head up, chest up. Crouch down with hands ahead and on floor-count 1. take weight on hands. Jump feet back-count 2; legs straight. Trunk braced. Position 2 Lower chest to floor-count 3. straight line from shoulders to toes. Push back up-count 4. jump feet apart-count 5. keep legs straight. Jump legs back together-count 6. Position 3 Jump legs back to crouch position-count 7. jump high and fully extend-count 8. land softly and repeat movement.
Position 1 Stand upright, head up, chest up. Crouch down with hands ahead on floor-count 1. Take weight on hands. Jump feet back-count 2; legs straight. Trunk braced. Lower chest to floor-count 3. Straight line from shoulders to toes. Push back up- count 4. Position 2 Raise one straight leg above hips-count 5. Keep heel vertical. Return foot to ground-count 6. Repeat with other leg for- counts 7 & 8. Position 3 Jump legs back to crouch position-count 9. Jump high and fully extend-count 10. land softly and repeat movement.