Graph Approach for Quantum Contextuality Marcelo Terra Cunha Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG Brazil IPQI Bhubaneswar, 28th February
arXiv: arXiv:
Adán Cabello Simone Severini Andreas Winter Barbara Amaral
The Result There is a translation from Non-Contextuality Inequalities into Graph-Theoretical concepts
Personal Motivation To clearly understand/explain the novelties that Quantum Theory brings Try to “derive” Quantum Theory (or something like it) from other Principles Envy about Relativity Theory
The Surprise The E-Principle can be such foundational stone E = Exclusivity Ernest Specker
The Most Famous Case Bell InequalitiesBell Scenario
Bell Inequalities Local Correlations Quantum Correlations
The CHSH Scenario J.F. Clauser, M.A. Horne, A. Shimony, and R.A. Holt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 23, 880 (1969).
The CHSH Graph Compatibility Graph Exclusivity Graph Beware: Lines are Cliques!
CHSH Inequality
CHSH Ineq. Graph What is the relation? Independence number
KCBS Graphs Exclusivity Inequality Compatibility
Quantum Theory? Where Orthogonal Representation of Handle Lovász Theta Function
Small piece of History Zero-error information theory includes the concept of Shannon Capacity of a Graph Conjectured as intractable For the pentagon, a lower bound is very simple Lovász defined his function to be a computable upper bound And obtained the exact value for the pentagon!
Beautiful Geometry Umbrela Handle
E-Principle The sum of the probabilities of pairwise exclusive events can not be more than Fractional Packing Number
The General Picture where
Questions? Can you have a little more?
Some Surprises StockholmVienna Global
Collective Bounds Symmetry Independency E Principle KCBS We did not use Quantum Theory!
More Results Sets in correlation space also have graph-theoretical analogues: NC = STAB Q = THETA E = QSTAB
More Results E-Principle gives the set of quantum correlations if this set is known for the complementary graph E-Principle forbids larger-than-quantum sets of correlations Barbara Amaral, Marcelo Terra Cunha, and Adán Cabello, Phys. Rev. A (2014)
Generalizations Graph Approach to Nonlocality
Generalizations Graph Approach to Nonlocality
Generalizations Graph Approach to Nonlocality
Pool: Next Friday Bit-Commitment arXiv: A protocol, using Bell Inequality violation, that avoids the no-go theorem of Lo- Chau-Mayers Security is conjectural Graph-Approach to Contextuality Cabello, Severini & Winter idea for encoding NC Inequalities as graph- theoretical invariants; Extensions, E-Principle, Quantum Correlations Raise hands
Take home messages Graph approach encodes all contextuality inequality and some generalizations Extensions to Nonlocality under construction E Principle is a good candidate for explaining quantum correlations No larger-than-quantum set!
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