Digestive System Colostomy
Reasons for a Colostomy Infection / Inflammation of the colon Blockage of the bowel / Bowel injury Colon cancer
4 Types of Colostomies An Ascending Colostomy is located within the ascending colon. Output is liquid to semiliquid ; irritating to the skin
A Transverse Colostomy is located within the transverse colon. Output is usually liquid to semi formed
A Descending Colostomy is located within the descending colon. Output is semi formed to formed
A Sigmoid Colostomy is located within the sigmoid colon. Output has a normal, formed consistency
Colostomy Care Remove ostomy bag only (about 1/3 full) Dispose of bag (do not throw away clip) Use soap to clean stoma (circular motion); Rinse Observe skin (bleeding, swelling, redness) Dry stoma with towel (pat dry) [Very important it is dry] Apply clip to new bag Press clean bag over wafer Make sure bag is sealed securely Chart skill and contents in bag