Coaches Corner: Kathryn Schallmo MiBLSi Director
Purpose Discuss importance of coaching capacity Review coaching basics Provide guidelines for effective coaching Discuss your coaching experiences with others
What is “Coaching?” Not person/position…but function Coaching is set of responsibilities, actions, & activities…. “Positive” Nag Self-assessment Action planning Activity implementation On-going evaluation
Active Leadership Team Coordination Funding Visibility Political Support TrainingCoachingEvaluation Local School Teams & Demonstrations Systems Implementation Logic Why Coaching?
The Impact of Coaches Implementation Help maintain momentum Help with team process Coordinate information Provide access to praise, celebration Provide or obtain critical information/technical support. Active problem solving All staff trainings Development and use of data for decision- making
Specific Expectations Attend and participate in team trainings Meet with your team(s) at least monthly Provide technical assistance as needed Monitor and report on team efforts
Strengths District/regional endorsement Demonstrated experience working with adults Professional and ethical competencies Commitment to collection and use of data to improve support for students. Attend and participate in coaching meetings and professional development events Attend school team training events with assigned team(s)
Strengths Communicate with school team leader at least monthly Describe the logic and application of the 3-tierd prevention logic and the continuum of behavior/reading support Describe and promote the components and operations of a proactive school-wide discipline systems Describe and promote the fundamental strategies and systems of active supervision in classroom and nonclassroom settings
Some Development Needed Link school teams to supporting resources Fluency with knowledge and use of core instructional reading programs and systems Fluency with knowledge and use of intensive individual reading and behavior support practices and systems. Prepare and conduct at least one presentation on PBS and reading related topic Assist in collection and maintenance of school team data Describe and promote the practices and systems of school-wide PBS Describe and promote the components and operations of a proactive school-wide reading program General technology fluency
More Development Needed Record Keeping Maintain record/log of school's implementation effort (e.g., discipline data, reading data, action plan, products) Maintain activity log of coaching activities, agreements, decisions, etc.
Introductions Name, District or ISD/ RESA Coaching Role Reading/ Behavior (both) How many schools? How long? Brainstorming Coaching Issues Using consensus select the top 2 TOPICS
Coaching Breakout Focusing on GROUP TOPIC Select recorder to take notes & reporter for reporting out to larger group Begin with each coach reporting (a) 1-2 accomplishment & (b) 1-2 challenges related to GROUP TOPIC Questions, comments, further discussion Report 1 main accomplishment & 1 challenge/solution to larger group Announce next GROUP TOPIC
Issues for Discussion/ GROUP TOPICS (1)
Issues for discussion/ GROUP TOPICS (2)
Guiding Principles for Effective Coaching Build local capacity Become irrelevant…but remain available Maximize current competence Never change things that are working Always make the smallest change that will have the biggest impact Focus on valued outcomes Emphasize Accountability Measure and report; measure and report; measure and report. Build credibility through: (a) consistency, (b) competence with reading and/or behavior principles/practices, (c) relationships, (d) time investment. Pre-correct for success
MESSAGE: To maximize, achievement, need both good instruction & behavior management.